chapter 21

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"Goodmorning, where are we heading today miss?"


The driver looked back at you. "Are you sure?"

"Yes I'll be late for work."

The drive over was quite long almost a full hour, but it was absolutely beautiful watching the sun rise. It went from pitch black to a amazing orange into red then into the sun almost fully up in the sky.

But the road was awfully bumpy..they should fix it.

"Excuse me miss we are here!"

The driver seemed to snap me out of my thought.

I looked at the building in front of me.

My heart started to beat so fast, I now must blend in.

Opening the car I stepped out onto the damped pavement road. Closing the door behind me I continued to walk to the front desk.

Pulling out my lanyard that had my ID I tapped it to the metal box that would open the front gates.


With the sons kid the beep the door was opening. I stepping into the person fancy looking prison. My heels clanked as I walked down the hair to the front office. The walls were spotless aside from some of the workers of the years and many heros that passed away during work.

May they rest in peace,you bowed your head and kept walking down the long hall. There was guards standing in front of the double medal doors.

"ID ma'ma" stated the guard with dazzling green eyes and black hair.

"Oh! Yes!" I handed him my ID with my fake name.

"Lillian backpack?" The other blue eyed blonde questioned

"Yeah it's a very common American name!"

The green eyed person spoke up. "You will be heading to floor 3, through these double doors take a left, you have the choice between stairs and the elevator."

The blue eyed blonde tapped your shoulder as you were walking by. "Good luck, the newbies dont last long. Your working with dangerous killers."

"Oh I know~" I smirked as I left the room taking the left quickly before they could stop me

I looked down at my shoes, heels. No stairs for me today, I hit the button for the elevator, looking around taking in my surroundings.

The stairs, had access to upstairs floor up to floor 6 and all the way down to the basement.

The main lobby had the break room, a cozy couch and tv with the news channel. There was another office to the left ran by a red haired man with brown eyes... strange.

I'm assuming it's for to see loved ones depending on the crime or if they were sentenced to death row.

A women suddenly coughed loudly to get your attention. It did very much so snap you out of your thoughts.

"Oh I'm sorry!" You quickly stepped in  and she followed behind you.

"You better be. Tsk." You quickly eyed her up and down, you noticed she was in a red button up and black skirt.

"I would watch your mouth izuku wouldnt like that" you mumbled.

Aishite Aishite (villain! izuku midoriya x Shy! reader)Where stories live. Discover now