Chapter 6

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Rica arrived the next morning and berated He Tian for not using a mosquito net when she knew that he's aware of its existence. Mo Guan Shan gaped at the raven-haired boy in disbelief but the other chose to avert his eyes and admire the foggy morning. True enough, tucked inside a built-in cabinet, was a brand-new mosquito net.

"He just hates living in this kind of house so much," the girl rolled her eyes. She's wearing a very short denim pants and tank top, looking like she's geared to do some tombraiding. "I remember him bitching all day back when the big house was in construction. Thankfully nobody understands him. Too bad for me though."

"I just fail to understand why you'd choose this chicken coop instead of a comfortable house. These people would gladly exchange everything they possess to own that kind of house."

Mo Guan Shan scowled at the other boy.

"I still want to stay here. I've decided, let's be neighbors instead."

"What?! How about our. . ."

"Your?" Rica asked.


"Midnight tryst?"

The girl laughed way to loud it sounded like a sarcastic guffaw. Mo Guan Shan buried his face on his blanket.

"There's no such thing."

Rica cleared her throat and pushed forward a pail on the floor. It had a cover but it looked wet and sandy, and things were moving inside. He Tian reached for the handle and took a peek inside.

"Here, a gift."

Mo Guan Shan immediately sat up, throwing aside his blanket and crawled towards the "gift". He Tian snickered and reached inside while looking at him with his plotting-an-evil-plan face.

"C'mon, let me see."

Rica leaned back to the wall while watching them with laughing eyes. It's an endless entertainment to watch these two tease each other like a couple of kids.

"These are precious treasures. If you look it's gonna turn into ash," He Tian said with his hand still inside the pail.

"Nonsense. Gimme that---"

"Ahhhh! Fuck!" He Tian shouted, startled. He drew back his hand and the pail fell on the floor scattering the contents. The dark-haired boy shook his hand while wincing, obviously in pain. Crabs crawled on the floor and they spent the rest of the morning chasing around the sea critters.

But it was all worth it, especially after Rica cooked the crabs in Sprite and they ate all of it together, by hand, paired with steaming hot white rice. Mo Guan Shan can't get over the fact that those crabs were so fatty and flavourful.

After eating, they decided to take it slow and just chill in the nipa hut after the girl left. He Tian taught him how to fold the mosquito net after showing where to tie the corners so it will hold its shape.

"You know your stuff, huh."

"Well, the first time I was here, I had to live with a really poor family with four kids," He Tian answered while sprawling on the mosquito net like a cat. Mo Guan Shan sat on the floor while unpacking his clothes, carefully re-folding each on. "This is a fancy hut compared to what they had back then and I had to stay outside all day because there's just no room when everybody's awake. And I had to stoop, I had to watch my every step because I always end up breaking a bamboo slat on the floor. It was so sad."

"Where's that family now?"

"I ate them," He Tian said while staring at him unblinking.


The black-haired guy broke his act and laughed out loud.

"They were relocated to the town because it's near the school. Kids were sent to school and the father got a job at a supermarket."

Mo Guan Shan let out a relieved sigh. Of course he knew that He Tian was joking about the eating part but he can't help thinking that maybe something unfortunate happened to the family.

"Those kids didn't have their own toothbrush so they had to use the same toothbrush, and most of the time they can't afford toothpaste so they use salt," He Tian went on, staring beyond the window that framed a perfectly blue, cloudless sky.

Mo Guan Shan stopped what he was doing and listened to the other guy intently, as if by paying attention, he could also save those children from back then.

"The hygiene was the biggest problem. What the father earns from climbing coconuts and harvesting palm wines, it wasn't even enough to buy corn for everybody to eat until they're full. So soaps and shampoos weren't prioritized."

"What did you do?"

"I contributed but not more than enough to get them used to it. It would only hurt them after I'm gone, you know. So I didn't disrupt their lives just because I had the means to do so."

"That must've sucked."

"Well, yes, I was pretty bummed about it. I wanted to spoil them and I wanted them to taste so many things."

Mo Guan Shan stared at the back of He Tian's outstretched hand, his long finger tapping the bamboo floor. It's a big, long-fingered hand. What must've went through the minds of those kids whenever they saw such beautiful hands.

"You're gonna be a spoiler dad," he mused. He Tian shot him a questioning look.

"We're adopting?"

We. Such a bittersweet word. But that "we" is not going to last a lifetime. Sooner or later he might try dying again and hopefully he will succeed. Sooner or later He Tian will tire of him and realize he's not worth all the trouble. And then he'll return to how it was supposed to be.

So dying is still the better option.

"Stupid. Of course we aren't gonna stay this way forever. You can get married and have your own children to spoil, so you won't have to feel so bad anymore---"

He Tian jumped up and was already all over him in a blink of an eye. Mo Guan Shan stayed still, unsure of what to do. The bigger guy's arms were wrapped around him like he's being protected from something.

"If I can set the future in stone I'll set it now so I can make sure you'll get there safe," He Tian whispered and kissed his head. "Stay selfish. I'll keep you alive, I'll spoil you with everything I've got."

Their position was awkward but Mo Guan Shan didn't dare move. He Tian held him like he's going to melt away.

"I'm sleeping here tonight," He Tian said after a while. he ended up helping him fold his clothes and arranging them into the built in cabinet.

They went back to the Big House, as the residents call it, to eat their dinner and lock up. The nipa nut didn't have electricity so the boys lit a kerosene lamp and stared at the flickering fire like little kids.

"We're gonna have big, black boogers tomorrow," He Tian said.

"Well, you better stop eating yours."

The other boy laughed.

"So, how do you like your stay here so far? Do you miss the city?"

"I appreciate the quiet nights and the fact that nobody knows who I am," Mo Guan Shan answered seriously. "Don't worry about me. I don't particularly hate being in a place where there's plenty of fresh air."

They stared at the light some more until they caught each other's yawn.

When they finally installed the mosquito net, the boys hurried inside to appreciate their little victory over the mosquitoes buzzing outside.

"It's like we're playing house inside a play house."

He Tian reached out and pulled him close for a kiss. Mo Guan Shan knelt to accommodate the act and when He Tian only gave him a quick peck he tried to chase the warmth that lingered on his lips. The other boy smiled in amusement so he embraced Mo Guan Shan and kissed him one more time.

It's amazing how incredibly honest he was with his body, and how he lets himself be drawn to pleasure when he acts aloof when they're not touching. He Tian knew it's a weakness and he's being selfish too, because he's taking advantage of it.

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