Chapter 10

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On the way home they met several passing fishermen and as usual, after an exchange of good-evenings, they had to stop in the middle of the road to chat. A day in that place isn't complete without people crossing paths with each other, stopping and exchanging news. As if everybody needed to be updated with everybody.

Killing a person and burying a body isn't gonna be easy in this kind of place. These people have unbelievable eyesight, Mo Guan Shan thought. Because just when you think nobody's looking, later you would find out that somebody saw you pass by or some rando noticed you picking your nose right under a banana tree. Simple stuff like that, but a little bit annoying too, especially if you really value your privacy.

"Idol!" they called, referring to He Tian. Local boys call him "idol" for some reason and Mo Guan Shan didn't get to ask why.

"Had a good haul, boss?" He Tian asked one who looked like the leader of the group. He's carrying a pail and slung on his shoulder were bamboo fishing rods and several other fishing paraphernalias.

"Ah, just several pieces for dinner, idol. Nothing to sell because we didn't get to use the boats."

"Radio said there's going to be a big storm later tonight so we packed up and just fished from the shore," the shortest one with a bald head chimed in. He smiled at Mo Guan Shan and bobbed his head in silent but enthusiastic greeting. Mo Guan Shan returned the smile and nodded too.

They all looked up at the sky and true enough, heavy, dark thunder clouds were forming and the wind was blowing harder than it normally did earlier that afternoon.

He Tian's good at dealing with people and he seemed to easily get on their good side. These older people joked about He Tian marrying Rica and it sort of gave Mo Guan Shan's chest a slight tug. For some people, it might look that way, especially since Rica and He Tian were close friends and knew each other from way back.

"Coming all this way from China, I'd bet it's for a beautiful girl like our Inday Rica!" a sly looking fisherman said, and for some reason Mo Guan Shan didn't like the look of him. He seemed to have a mean glint in his eyes and Mo Guan Shan was sensitive to those types of people.

Rica quickly belted out her loud guffaw and after several times of witnessing her do it, Mo Guan Shan realized it's the girl's way of warding off awkward situations and unwanted comments. It makes you stop any attempt to throw in a follow up for your lame joke.

"Yawa, that's crazy! Except for these guys, I hate China!" Rica said, her stance changing into somewhat brusque and her voice raspier than usual. She met Mo Guan Shan's gaze and gave him a little twitch of her mouth. "They're so fucking greedy, they're stealing what's ours! You guys should worry," she told the fishermen.

"Well, we are worried. What if time comes and we'd really be under Chinese government? What if they restrict us from fishing in our own little seas? It's going to be a tragedy."

"What can you say about that, Kuya Ian?" Nato asked from across He Tian.

"Hmm, I can't refute that. China has a scary government, but it doesn't mean all Chinese folks agree with their methods. Just like how there are Filipinos who criticize their government's stupidity, we also criticize ours for power-tripping smaller countries. It creates tension and people start antagonizing one another just because of their race."

"But China is a fucking mean country, it makes my brain hurt," Rica said, massaging her temples for effect.

"Yes, it is. Reason why some of us get away."

"Ay sus, lip-service! It's hard to believe, coming from you, idol. Your family's been profiting off from the Philippines for more than a century!" that one nasty-eyed fisherman commented and he even flashed a satisfied grin when He Tian's expression hardened.

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