The Revealing

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Chapter 4

I open my eyes and all I see is complete darkness. I can't even see my own hand in front of my face. Without my eyes being much good I use my other senses; I can smell pine really strongly, I feel around with my hands and find that after a few millimetres a wooden barrier blocks my hands from moving any further, in a panic I reach my hands up quicker than I ever thought I could before and found I couldn't move them further than a few inches. I add it up in my head: barriers on all sides of me stopping me from moving too much, the smell of pine, the darkness... Shit I'm in a coffin! I strain my ears to see if anyone is around outside and hear mumbled voices, panicking I shout, "help! Let me out of this g___" I choke (I'd meant to say "Godforsaken" but the works burnt my throat). I try again, this time leaving out the word "God", and instead just sticking to " help! Let me out!" and knocking as hard as I can on the lid of the coffin.

I hear someone approach me from 10 or so paces behind me. I hear the screws being undone and the first thing I see is bright white light which makes my wince and turn my head quickly to the left. A hand grasps my chin gently but firmly and turns my head to face upwards again, I see a beautiful young woman who looks exactly like me with light grey eyes and a cold stare that I thought only I could give. "Ok, now this is eerie", I say and the woman just smiles and helps me to sit up and finally get out of the coffin. She keeps her arm around my shoulders to steady me and leads me over to the sofas and we sit down facing each other; studying each other. " Hello, Rebecca", she speaks for the first time, "I am Amelie, your mother." I faint.

Chapter 5

It seems to be mid-afternoon when I awake again. I am lying in a large four poster bed with the heavy curtains drawn tightly and the covers drawn up to my chest. I listen and there doesn't seem to be anyone in the room with me, where ever I am, so I gently draw back to curtains slightly and glance around; yet again not seeing anyone. I climb out of the bed not bothering to make it and walk over to the large mirror, I see a pale version of myself with grey eyes that stand out against my pale pallor and I'm still dressed in the outfit that I wore to the choosing ceremony but my hair had been let down to hang at below my shoulders. I look so much like her surely she can't be my mother, my mother is dead!

Behind me I see a chest of draws and, wanting to change clothes, I walk over to them. Opening them I find a pair if black jeans, a pale green jacket and a plain white blouse but I can't find any trace of shoes so I just wear my heels. While I get dressed I think over what I talked about last night and in a moment of guilt I wonder about whether Chloe has been chosen or not (mental note: ask Ame-no- my mother where Chloe is and whether she is ok or not).

There's a window on the far side of the room and I have a sudden urge to see the outside world, as soon as I undo the curtains the sun is dancing across my skin but then begins to burn. Why is my skin buring? Its so painful! I sense someone come into the room and they obviously see me because I suddenly feel someone grab me and say, "Have you got a death wish!?" I turn around and see Michael Glass.

The next thing I know, he throws a long black cloak at me and when I ask what its for he just says, "keep it on while we are outside! If you don't I will lock you up in a dark room until you learn not to expose your skin to the sun!" I have got no idea what he's talking about but I nod and decide to do what he says after that burning sensation I had earlier. He leads me down the corridor, grasping my wrist in a vice like grip so that I can't break free, and he tells me to put my hood up as we head for the doors. It feels as if I've been locked up for days, I probably have to be honest, and I love the smell of the spring flowers and freshly mown grass. It smells so strong as if its exploding inside my nostrils and then I get a waft of car exhast fumes and end up having a coughing fit. Sighing Michael picks me up and begins to run until we reach a square with a large building set in the centre.

Once again I get lead up the corridors, still coughing, and come out into a room filled with roses, with a heavy looking red curtain drawn at the front, and a load of people. Michael ushers me to a seat near the back and we wait, for what I don't know but we wait.

Am-my mother (I keep reminding myself) enters the room and walks gracefully up the asiles, she stops next to me and kneels down next to me looking genuinely worried. She strokes my hair gently and says softly, "are you feeling better now?" I nod in reply and she goes on to say, "everything I told you last night was true, we'll talk more later as long as you promise not to faint on me again." There was a hint of sarcasm to her last sentence. I say, "yes mother" ( i hear Michael inhale in shock) and she smiles at me. She gets gracefully to her feet and as she walks away I manage to breathe again and try to hold back tears.

I hear someone come through the doors behind me, Amelie glances up but says nothing so I guess that the person is invited. "What's up people? What have I missed?" It's Chloe! I spin round faster than I ever though possible, she's standing at the doors, alone, dressed in her usual Gothic clothing of her long converses, tartan skirt, black tights, a plain black shirt and her constantly worn dark angel jumper. I try to get up but Michael grabs my wrist quickly giving me a disapproving stare. I flip around to face him and hiss at him, I actually hiss! He let's go and puts his arms up in a surrender. I stand up and run over to Chloe, hurling myself into her arms.

Chapter 6

"I've missed you so much!", I say stepping away from her but not at all embarrassed that I ran (probably like a duck) up to greet my friend. She repies, " My God you moved so fast, I didn't see you coming." I give her a confused look and my stomach rumbles, I haven't had food for ages how have I not noticed! Have I turned into some kind of monster? Something rustles and one of my mother's guards is beside me, why? I haven't done anything! "Ok, I'm slightly confused right now would someone please tell me what the hell is going on!?" I say slightly exasperated.

Amelie nods her head slightly towards her guards to say, "bring the child to me." The guard touches my elbow but yet again I hiss fiercely and my mouth stings really badly as if someone had stabbed knives into them, my body reacts and without processing it in my brain or knowing what I'm doing I bite Chloe. She goes limp in my arms and I sink to my knees, crying over my now probably dead friend. My mother herself comes to get me this time, I don't know what's going on I'm so confused! She leads me away but before I leave I see a tall man with long shoulder length curly hair crouch over and push his bleeding wrist to Chloe's mouth.

We leave in a black limo with very tinted windows which I find I can see out of. We sit in silence for a while, I start to cry (again) and Amelie says, "please don't cry, I do not wish to see my daughter cry", I pull a tissue out of my pocket and dry my eyes, " there that's better, I will tell you everything soon enough. I'm very sorry that I did not tell you sooner but you did faint on me when I was going to tell you and the next thing that I'm told is that you nearly burned your skin off.

"I had you brought here by Michael and how was I to know that your friend would just turn up on the doorstep? Of course I had to act like it was nothing out of the ordinary but then you went over bit her and Myrnin had to go ahead and save her before she died at your hand", a lone tear runs down my face, " Myrnin is my most trusted friend and your friend Chloe's biological father just as I am your biological mother."

"About how are you my mother and what in heaven's name am I? Am I an abomination of natur- wait MYRNIN IS CHLOE'S FATHER?", I exclaim clearly shocked.

" Seems quite a shock to you, I will try not to shock you any more", she stops talking for a while until the car stops and she quietly says, "we have arrived." But where have we arrived?

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