Renewed Strength

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Chapter 8 (Amelie)

To say that my daughter looked pleased when she returned would be a complete lie. At beat she looked distressed and when I asked her what was wrong, she ignored me and left the house again. I haven't seen her for a week. She hasn't used the bracelet to contact me, I have no idea where she is. Jonathan is nowhere to be seen either.

Alyssa is staying with Eve in the Glass House, I am alone within my cold castle walls...Morganville seems normal despite the events or the fact that I currently have a werewolf held within the cells below Morganville. (They were for sick vampires but now we have all been cured of our disease.) I have the knowledge that Alyssa has been paying regular visits to the werewolf girl, trying to overcome her...issue by using her magic. I still refuse to change her until the werewolf is safe to be around.


This bracelet is driving me up the wall! Amelie told me that as soon as we returned from Alaska that she would remove it, well guess what? She hasn't! Its so annoying to be tied to a vampire although if I were to choose one to be 'owned' by I would choose Amelie.

Alyssa keeps disappearing, I have no idea where she keeps going...but if I hazard a guess it would be that Amelie has her working her magic on that werewolf.


This is the 10th time that I've been down in these cold dark dungeons but I am yet to make a breakthrough...the werewolf, she is hard to break. I flick through my spell book, well I found it in the vampire's library, and find another spell for unlocking minds....this one is specifically for mystical creatures. Werewolves come under mystical don't they? Ah what the hell, won't do any harm to try it...

30 minutes later...

I've done it, I've broken through. I can control her now. Although this scares the crap out of me so I'll hand her over to Amelie, who in turn will give her to Myrnin.


The girl stood before me. She has just told me the news I have been waiting weeks for.
"Well done." I say, "Experiment completed. You have given power of her to me, yes?"
"Yes I have." She replies. My fangs slowly begin to release themselves.
"Good." I spring across the room.

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