Allies and Enemies

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Chapter 2 (A Human~Alaska)

Its happening again...why? Why do they do this? The wolves...they are coming, its a full moon. We have been told to stay inside but it doesnt doesn't stop them, they just break in...its just a big game to them.

My family, what little is left of them, are huddled in the corner. I hear our neighbours screaming in fear and pain...The last thing I see of the world is a pair of oversized jaws coming towards me, dragging me to the ground...

Morganville (Eve)

"I have just received word of some sort of...uproar, if you like, in the North." The Founder's face lights up the screen, she looks distressed. Alayna is stood to her right and Myrnin is stood to her left.

Ok let me just give you a quick run through. Basically Amelie has broadcasted to the whole of Morganville that Alayna is her daughter and is not to be messed with by anyone, the werewolf girl who was sent to Alaska has collided with other werewolves but she is in some sort of asylum for troubled werewolves and this somehow affects Morganville. Also, Alayna is now working with Myrnin to help keep the portals in order, as Frank is no longer functioning as he met his end, and help keep track of everyone who enters and leaves Morganville. (Amelie has made Alayna her 'second in command' so that she is in charge when Amelie is not available.)

"Some of the vampires, and a select few of humans, will venture out to Alaska and retrieve the werewolf girl. My daughter," she gestures to Alayna, "Will remain here with me awaiting their arrival. When they are here she will help Myrnin to figure out a cure to the disease that the werewolves are suffering from. That is all for tonight, I thank you all for listening." The screen goes blank.


The show ends and I hurry after my mother.
"Mother." Amelie stops and turns around to face me. "How do we know who is loyal to us and who is not?"
My mother smiles, "I'd have thought that throughout your prolonged life you would have learnt to understand that. But it appears that you have not." She sighs, "Those loyal to us will swear an oath and bear our combined symbols on the newly developed bracelet. They will be under our command and we will be able to control them if they...stray from the path. Those that go against us will be executed."

"You sure don't mess around do you." A man says from behind us. "Well neither do I." I flip around and pin him against the wall, the silver gilded knife falls heavily to the floor. I
"I'm faster and stronger than you, make belief vampire slayer. I can snap each bone in your body with a single finger." He struggles against my grip. "I don't think you got the hint." I break his arm, he screams. "Stop struggling." I hiss in his ear. He doesn't. Sighing, I snap his neck. My mother looks at me in surprise. "What?" I ask, "He didn't take the hint. He's not loyal and he never would have been."

My mother simply laughs in response.

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