Dark Deeds

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Chapter 1 (Amelie)

I arrive at the Glass House. Claire Danvers has something I need returned to my care. A book. Its not an ordinary book; its a book that tells vampires how to create more of our species. The door opens, its Claire.

There is a myth that vampires can not read, it is only partially true. Young vampires can not read or recognise any type of symbol but older vampires, like myself for example, can read anything. In my early days, as a young child going on until I was 15 years old (and unhappily married), I was instructed in the ways of languages. I can read many languages; Latin being the main one along with French, English (Old English which became more modern throughout the centuries), German, Italian, Greek and Polish...

I snap out of my daydream as the door opens. "Claire", I say, " Just the person I wanted to speak with." I walk past her into the Glass House. Mark (my other bodyguard) follows me in and Claire closes the door behind us.

"Amelie? What-um...why are you here?" Claire asks tentatively.

"You have something of mine. I want it returned to me."I state getting straight to the point. Claire stares at me.
"Were you not told it is rude to stare?" I ask, annoyed by her constant staring. She looks down at the floor and apologises. "You know of what I speak?" Claire nods her head in reply and walks clumsily down the hallway. How have humans evolved to become clumsy and unaware of their actions? She returns with a small volume of the Bible and gives it to me. Puzzled I open the cover and see the symbol, I never thought Claire was so smart. I smile, "You are very clever young Claire, I knew that much already. Did you hide it within the Bible on purpose thinking it ironic?"
"N-no, I just..um..found a book around the same size of the book and removed the covers off both books, swapping them. Oliver came snooping around and so that is why I swapped the covers; giving him the cover of the book he was after with the Bible inside and you the real version." Claire stutters.

We are quiet for a while, I consider her and say, "I am going to rearrange your classes, they are far too easy for you and you need a challenge. Call me if you have any problems or questions." I say.
"I-I don't have a phone..it smashed when Monica pushed me down the stairs."
"Hmm", I consider her for a moment, "Well I'll easily fix that problem. Expect a delivery soon, it will have all the details that you require on it."

I show myself out. I have big plans for this young girl...

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