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Chapter 12 (Amelie)

So overall my daughter and I had a great night. Yes we only killed one human each but I think that's a good thing seeing as everyone else took two or three humans. I don't know what is going on with Alayna at the present time, she keeps getting visions of the same man that I killed in 1209 for hurting my daughter with the intent to kill her. She needs to be protected, now more than ever before, and Claire is not being very helpful in the matter. When Oliver called me last night telling me of Alayna's worries and meeting with Claire it angered me greatly. I'm going to have to have a little talk with Claire and I have the perfect idea; I'll make her mine to protect and then she can't disobey me.

I wait in my study, I know there's a portal inside the Day House. Claire will get a compelling instinct to come for a visit... It takes about half an hour but sure enough Claire comes into my study and says, "I'm sorry I thought this was the bathroom." But she makes no move to leave. I keep my eyes down on my paperwork, I have to sign Protector forms whether I accept them or not (I have already turned down 18 of them, why do I need to protect 18 people when the lower ranked vampires can do it?).

"Yes, Claire?", I ask still without looking up.

" I..um...I need to speak with you, it's Michael", I look up then just to seem interested, "He's not coping very well with the hunger, he's tried to hurt Eve on more than one occasion-"

I hold up my hand and she stops talking, "He'll get better over time, I do not appreciate the way that you talked to my daughter last night", my eyes flash red,"If you have a problem with her why don't you tell me now and we can be done with it?" I run with vampire speed and grab her throat, "I don't want to hurt you Claire but you can be replaced."

"I just don't...like her!", she snaps at me. I tighten my grip and my fangs flash out,

" Oh please do elaborate... " I purr.

"I know she means well but how can you trust a vampire?"

"I can't answer that one for I am a vampire", I sigh and let her go," I'm not asking you to work with her, I'm telling you to work with her. Do you understand?"

Claire nods and rubs her red throat.

"Good", I sit back down at my desk and Claire turns to leave.

"Claire?", she turns around," Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Oh, yes Shane said that he would like to apply for protection if that will keep the vamps off his back", she says hastily.

" Ok", I say knowing that she's going to say more.

"What do I tell him?"

"Tell him that you forgot to ask until the last minute and that I have refused his proposition of my protection, if that is all", I gesture to the door. She leaves just before Alayna walks in.

She comes over to the desk and kneels down next to it placing another load of paperwork on my desk, some addressed to me and some to her. Separating the paperwork she sets herself down onto the floor, against the wall, and begins to work her way through the pile of paperwork.

" You've got some applications for protection?", I say not at all surprised.

"Yes mother and look at the first one." She gives it to me, she's already opened it but I read it.

I Claire Danvers wish for your protection. I will do as you say and will be completely loyal to you, I will be very grateful if you would be to accept.

She also signed it at the bottom.

"I'm going to refuse, the way she spoke to me the other day...and now this!", her eyes have a tint of red.

Amelie's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now