The Cure

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Chapter 9 (Bishop)

Many vampires are falling around me but I do not choose to help them...after all, why should I? What can they give me in return? Nothing of course, I probably won't even get a 'thankyou' from those I save. They choose not to help me, so I won't help them. My daughter and granddaughter-by blood and sire line- deserves my help.
"Ysandre," I say to the blonde girl stood beside me, "We are going to pay a visit to my daughter." She smiles in reply. This is going to be fun.


Has everyone forgotten about me? Its like I don't exist anymore. Alayna has come to see me once, once! She's supposed to be my best friend, but ever since we came back something has put a large distance between us. I'm locked within this four-walled room every hour of every day of every month. Alayna told me its for my own safety, but I think its for her safety. I mean yeah I'm a werewolf but I only turn once every two months on a full moon so I'm not a threat the rest of the time...unless I'm angry. If I get angry I can turn at will. I have nothing to do, I'm bored out of my mind. I have a small restrictive view window of which I can only see the orchard. I have seen Alayna ride past on her horse every now and again but she never looks up to my window. I want out of this scratch that, I want out of this darn town. Its like a prison within a prison, abandoned within the hot, dry Texan desert. I want a new life, maybe get out of America. This country has too many bad memories. I need a fresh start, a clean plate. I have a phone so that I can call the study or kitchen if I need anything.

Food or talk to probably the scariest vampire I've ever met? Option B I think, I need to negotiate and, sadly, I cant do that with food.

The phone's screen lights up blue when I press the home button. Its an old iPhone 3 which has a massive crack covering the screen, but it still works so that is all that counts. It rings, I think that its going to go to voicemail but it doesn't. Amelie answers.
"Um ...hi? Amelie? Its Melanie...I," I stutter unprepared for the phone to be picked up by anyone.
"Just spit it out. What is it?" She sounds stressed.
"I need to talk to you." Amelie hangs up.
"Well...that went well..."


Children...honestly, who would want to have them in this era? I don't count, I had mine more than 800 years ago. That werewolf girl wants to talk? Then fine I'll give her an hour's grace.

10 minutes later...

"You wish to leave town?" I ask not surprised in the slightest.
"Well, yes. In fact I want to get out of America altogether. Make a new start."
"Done. When would you like to leave?"
"What? Just like that?"
"What do you mean? Ah, you thought I'd say no?"
"Well yes, once within Morganville's borders I thought no one could get out."
"With my direct permission you can, and you have it. I'll help you find somewhere to live. Do you know what country you'd like to live in?"
"Well...I like Italy but I can't speak Italian, I speak a little French so I could go to France....but I don't really want to go to France..."
"What about England? Or somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere such as Alaska?"
"I've always wanted to see the Northern Lights, I think Alaska."

This evening

I have arranged travel and accommodation for Melanie, she will be setting off for the airport tomorrow morning.

"Mother? What is it?" Alayna takes me by surprise, I must have been immersed in thought.
"Melanie is leaving." I say without emotion.
"What?" Her voice cracks slightly, I look up and go over to her.
"You knew that someday this would happen. It was a choice of whether to let her stay here until she grows old, while we stay young, and eventually dies or that I let her go and fulfil her dreams. Live her life to the limit. She deserves better than this. We have lived many lifetimes and have many more to come but your friend, she only has one."
"I'll go and say goodbye." She whispers. The door clicks as she leaves. I admit I could have announced that better than I did...

Chapter 10 (Alayna)

Its only been a day since Melanie left for Alaska but it seems longer. Its getting boring around Morganville. I've finished the first part of my Biology course and so I pulled out of school as I really didn't like my mother trailing me like a dog, the sun is always out now that its summer meaning that I can't go outside (I don't fancy having a touch of sunburn) and we have visitors... My grandfather has come back to Morganville....

I wake just after sunset and pull on the first thing that comes I lay my hands on in my wardrobe. It so happens that it is a plain black blouse and just above the knee length skirt, I also pull on some tights and pull my hair up into a hasty French Twist. I run downstairs but I don't look up...I run straight into someone, a vampire-a female vampire. She has long sweeping blonde hair which glows in the evening light and flows past her waist, her eyes are amber and are closed into slits and her clothing is very skintight to say the least.
"Ysandre." I state.
"And if it isn't little Alayna," her voice is silky, "Wearing your usual getup I suppose?"
"Speak for yourself," I reply, "You are here. That must mean my grandfather is back in town. Its too early for this." Ysandre just laughs and allows me to pass.
"Where are your shoes?" What? I look down and sure enough I see a distinct lack of shoes. I sigh and dig around in the shoe cupboard for a pair of plain black heels, and put them on.
"I said its too early for this." I mutter under my breath. I go into the Drawing Room and sure enough my grandfather is sat in one of the chairs as if it were a throne.
"Alayna." He drags it out so that it sounds like 'Aaaa....layyyynaaaa'. "Its a pleasure to see you again."
"Yeah yeah cut the bullshit. Why are you here?" I demand.

It turns out that he has the cure for our disease (well not our disease. Only myself and him are immune to the disease that all the other vampires have) and he wants the book in exchange for it.

"The book?" I ask, "What b-wait, is this the book that I wrote in the 15th century?"
"Yes my dear, that very one." Bishop answers.
"I've been trying for years to get rid of that bloody book and now you just want to hand it over? You know what? No, I won't stand for this! My supposed grandfather-who hasn't given a damn about me for my entire life- is asking for us to give in the only thing that we have leverage of? No! For fu-", I notice my mother glaring at me telling me to not swear, " fudge sake who do you think you are? And don't be a smart alec and say your my grandfather because you are nothing of the sort and-"
"Alayna," my mother says quietly, "Do take a seat and will discuss this rationally. I do not know what this cure is but-"
"Well, here's a news flash: I do know what the cure is! We don't need him, I am all you need. You need either his or my blood in order to cure you." My mother is shell shocked, her mouth opened slightly and I can see her processing what I have just said (well yelled).

"Get out." My mother directs at Bishop.
"Excuse me?" He sounds shocked and a little annoyed.
"I said get out. Get out of our home. Get out of my town. Get out of America."
"And who is going to control me? You don't have the power to kick me out Amelie. You know it and I certainly know it."
"Hmm, you want a bet? Myrnin!" Amelie says.
"Yes Founder?"
"Set Ada. Tell her we have three unwelcome visitors who shall never cross the borders again." Myrnin walks out.
"He can't do anything either Amelie. He's crazy, too far gone."
"You'll see." She says cooly.
"What do you m-" he's cut off. It looks like he's being dragged out of the room by some sort of supernatural force-otherwise known as Ada, Myrnin's crazy ex. Bishop is gone within seconds.

"So this cure, how do you have it?"
"Its in my blood. Feed a little of my blood to a sick vampire and they will heal."

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