The Glass House

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Chapter 9

My mother and I walked down to the waiting black limo outside of the castle. We both climbed inside and sat in silence for a while until she broke it by saying, "What did you study at Summerdale College?"

"Biology and Chemistry", I say enthusiastically, "I just love science, well you can count out Physics which is really boring and dull..." I go to say something else but I look up and see my mother smiling at me, "You do know that I am really proud of you don't you?" This takes me by surprise. "If you want I can have you entered into the Texas Praire University to take Biology and Chemisty, would you like that?"

"Oh yes I'd love that! I left right in the middle of my learning which is annoying because I'd only just learnt about the Lock and Key Mechanism in more detail and... I'm sorry mum, you have no idea what I am going on about", I say shyly. She smiles in reply, "That is true but I like to see that you have interests. Maybe I could team you up with Myrnin and he can help you study", she sees my expression and says, "don't worry he won't hurt you; you are more than 350 years older than him and are my daughter so if he even tries to hurt you he'll have to go through me first!" We both laugh at this.

The limo stops indicating that we have either arrived or are stuck in traffic somewhere (which is highly unlikely).The guard in the back with us opens the door and checks that all is clear before my mother and I leave the car. We get out and I find myself in a familiar street with a mansion like founder house set in the middle. The Glass House. "Why are we here mother?", I ask.

"You'll see, all in good time my child. I'd have thought that after 807 years you'd have grown more patient but that is not true", I grin at her in agreement.

We walk from the car to the door of the Glass House in silence, the only thing audible is our heels clicking against the pavement. My mother doesn't knock (it is her house after all, I mean she built it) but she tries the door, its locked. "Carl", she says to the bodyguard on our right, " Could I have the key please?"

"Yes, Founder", he says in reply bowing his head to her as he hands it over. She opens the door and we follow her inside, Carl shuts the door behind him and locks it so that the residents won't think they've been burgled (unlikely as only vampires can enter -Michael is a vampire- but anything is possible in Morganville). We walk upstairs and head for the Secret Room. Turning the painting aside slightly my mother flicks the lever which will open the door. It opens with a click and we go inside.

We wait for only about 20 minutes before we here the residents come in through the front door, we hear them talking to each other and someone come up the stairs. The door to the Secret Room opens and Michael appears at the top of the stairs.

"Founder, what Would you care to tell me what you and whoever this person is", gesturing to me, "Are doing in my house?" Michael says almost sulkily.

"Firstly, this is not your house it is mine. I am simply allowing you to live within it, I can just as easily evict you", I can tell she's angry, "And secondly the young lady that you just rudely pointed at is my daughter Alayna so I would thank you if you could not point at my daughter!"

"Oh, I'm sorry Founder, Alayna", he says but it doesn't seem like a proper apology.

"Mother, I think the vampires in this town need to learn some eticate and know who the boss is in this town", I say very much offended about what Michael just did.

"Yes, I believe you are correct Alayna. Would you like to teach him how he should act?" I nod slightly so that Michael can't see it and stand up straight. I walk over to him and he starts to back away, I run with vampire speed and pin him up against the wall.

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