Protect and Cherish

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Chapter 4 (Claire)

Strangely enough, studying is boring me. Is there something wrong with me? I head downstairs and make a start on dinner; tachos of course. I start to heat up the mince when Eve comes in and thrusts a package and envelope at me. "These came for you. Here I'll take over." I let her come in front of me and take over cooking duties.
"Alright, but if you burn it don't pin the blame on me!" I say over my shoulder. I run back up the stairs and shut my bedroom door behind me. Looking down at the envelope I notice that it is made out of expensive cream paper. My name etched in beautiful script on the front. My heart is in my throat, I know where this has came from... Turning it over in my hand I notice the seal; the Founder's seal. I put the package down on my bed and gingerly open the envelope.

Dear Claire,
My informal Protection is no longer sufficient for you and your friends, and I think you know that now. More drastic steps must be taken, and soon, or your friends will pay the price. Oliver will not allow today's events to go unanswered. You have been brave, but extremely foolish in your enemies.
Consider my proposal carefully.
I shall not offer it again.

A second page fell out.

I, Claire Elizabeth Danvers, swear my life, my blood, and my service to the Founder, now and for my lifetime, that the Founder may command me in all things.

So this is the delivery that she mentioned... I pick up the package and open it. It contains a box which has a new phone inside it. Is this bribery? Is she bribing me to sign by giving me gifts? Although, I could do with having a badass protector looking out for me so...

I grab a pen and sign the contract as neatly as I can, I put it back into the envelope but then I'm stuck...What address do I put on the front? I don't even know where she lives!
"Oh, well I guess I'll find her at some point", I say and dump the package on my desk, " I'll just go back to the Day House, that's where I'll find her." I sprawl out across my bed and grab my diary, yes I know...I have a diary! Well how else am I supposed to remember what goes on in my life, I live in Morganville! Finishing my entry, I sit up and put my diary next to my bed. What can I do now? Studying? No, I've done too much studying... Go downstairs? No, I can hear Shane and Michael arguing and Eve is in the kitchen making dinner (probably something burnt knowing her)...I know, I'll do some artwork. I get up and pull out my sketchpad and pencils, I begin drawing what I see outside my window. The roofs of houses on the streets opposite, a large castle like structure in the distance, the sun setting on the horizon...Eventually I get some watercolours out.

"You are very good at painting." A voice says behind me. I jump and the brown paint runs across the page. I'm annoyed now, that took me more than an hour! Its Amelie, no surprise there, she's holding something in her hands, a box? And yet more paperwork?
"I am sorry I startled you, I just came to collect the contract." I stand up and receive the contract from my desk and hold it out to her. She opens it, and seeing my signature at the bottom, smiles. "I knew what your answer would be, come here." She says and gestures me towards her. I hesitate but with vampire speed she pulls me towards her, she hands me the box. A bracelet is inside, it has no latch and doesn't look like it can get over my hand. Amelie gets there first, and before I can question her, she grabs my wrist in a vice like grip and pushes the bracelet through my flesh. It doesn't come off, as much as I try I can't get it off. Great so now I belong to her!

Chapter 5 (Amelie)

I pace up and down my study, why does everything have to slip through my manicured fingers? Oliver....agh! Oliver is driving me insane, he keeps harassing me about my leadership skills which are perfectly fine-
There's a knock on the door, I compose myself and sit behind my desk organising the papers before me. "Come in." Its Claire.
"Ma'am," she said to me bowing her head slightly, "I have come-"
"I know why you have come." I interupt her. "You have come about the young boy, Shane."
"How did you- never mind", she says seeing my piercing look, " He didn't do anything." I knew she'd come to beg for Shane's release, I'm not as forgiveful as she thinks.

When the Collins family left Morganville after Alyssa's death (I'd given them permission to leave thinking it would help the grieving process) the mother went insane. She'd begin to remember things, things about Morganville which should have been forgotten when they left, I couldn't let it go on; I had to do something. I sent the order for her to be killed humanely and discreetly, but when they returned they told me they cut her multiple times while she was alive, put her in the bathtub and drowned her. I was furious with them, I had them killed in the square for disobeying my orders. Of course I left the boy and his father alone, they weren't completely at ease with the world with them both taking drugs and drinking, I thought they couldn't be a threat. But they both sobered up and Frank Collins sent Shane back to spy on my vampires and I. He was also sent to draw up maps of all of Morganville's underground and overground streets. I certainly did not hold back my judgement when Shane and one of his biker friends were found with a dead vampire, Brandon. I released him from my protection and he is currently sitting the the square awaiting the appropriate sentence for killing a vampire; death.

"I will not help you Claire, I am sorry," I say, "there is no evidence that Shane didn't kill Brandon."
"But he didn't do it!" She's starting to get on my nerves now, she's whining.
"Claire, I will not help him and that is that." I say with a ring to my voice that will tell her not to speak of it any further. "Now leave." I return to my paperwork trying not to let my sorrow pierce my perfected mask. Claire picks up her bag and heads for the door. She wants something else, I can sense it...
"Claire." I say and she turns around, "Didn't you want something else?"
She looks confused and gives my a puzzled look, I sigh. "Someone asked you for a favour."
"Oh, yeah. Michael says he wants to talk with you."
I nod slightly.
"What shall I tell him?"
"Tell him the truth- that you didn't have the courtesy to remember what he asked of you. You may go."
"Go!" I bark the last, I'm getting annoyed with her consistent drone.
She finally leaves, shutting the door quietly behind her. I rest my head in my hands, a tear runs down my cheek. I have to tell Alayna. She needs to stay away from Diego no matter what she thinks of him, he's dangerous. I must keep her safe.

The door creaks slightly as it opens and closes, its only Mark going out to give me a bit of privacy.

Claire can also be a danger, its better to eliminate her before she causes any trouble...

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