Let The Wind Blow Through Your Hair...

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Chapter 6 (Alayna)

To say I'm having a bad week would be the understatement of the century. I'd only just escaped the clutches of my bodyguard and managed to sneek away to one of my favourite places; the stables. The big spotted mare studied me with her dark chocolate eyes, big brown spots cover her coat from head to toe. I produce a carrot from my pocket, she neighs gently and nudges me against the wall of the stall. Her rubbery lips pluck the carrot out of my hand and she sniffs my face looking for more. "Hey!" I complain but I'm laughing. "Willow! Stop it." I gently push her soft muzzle away and give her a kiss right in the middle of her eyes. I grab a brush and get to work, starting with her feet and working my way up her body until I finish with her tail. "Do you want to go for a ride girl?" We've both been stuck inside for ages, we both need to let our hair down. I go to grab her tack but when I reach for her saddle I have second thoughts and just grab her bridle instead. If I'm going to let my hair down, why not do it in style? I slip the bridle over her head and lead her out of the stable block in the opposite direction to the house; my mother's bedroom over looks the stables in the other direction. I turn to get on but remember I'm not using a saddle, that means I need to use effort to get on! I trust that Willow will stay where she is and I step back a few paces, I run and leap onto her back.
"Alayna." Great, my mother. "Aren't you forgetting something? Well two things in fact..." She holds up a helmet and I automatically reach for my head as if its there. Shit, I knew I had forgotten something! I reach over and take it from my mother.
"Where's your saddle?"
"In the tack room."  I say over my shoulder as I gather up my reins. "You know I hate western saddles!" I urge Willow into a trot and go for a good ride.

Its twilight when Willow and I return revived after galloping for miles, letting the wind comb through our hair. We are both filthy and full of sweat. My cream johdpurs are no longer cream; they are full of hair, horse sweat and sand, my horse is no longer spotted; she looks more brown than before and my reins have broken. Wonderful! I hose Willow off making her look like an appaloosa again and I take her back into her stall, throwing a rug on her to help her keep the heat in and dry at the same time, I also remove my now ruined bridle and fill up her haynet and water trough.

My mother does not look happy when I eventually trudge through the hall. She has her arms folded. "Why did you not inform me of your going out?"
"No, I don't want to hear your excuses." She holds her hand out at me. "Jason Rosser has been released from prison." I look indifferent. "Don't look at me as if it doesn't matter! Alayna! He is after you, he wants to hurt you to get to me."
"Bring it on, I'll snap-"
"No, you won't. From now on you are going to have three guards. I almost lost you once, I don't want to lose you altogether."
"But mum-"
"No arguments. That is final. Take your boots off, they are covered in mud and whatever else you have come across." She walks into the drawing room.

Sighing I remove my boots and vamp run up to my room to get changed. Why is she so protective? What is she planning?


A/N: Ok so this is just a quick chapter. Sorry about that but I couldn't think of anything else to write here. I'm going to write three chapters in the next part which will be published soon!

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