Never Mess With A Vampire

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Chapter 8

I'm still in the library when I wake up, on the sofa. I turn my head to the side and see my mother walk away towards the book shelves. Images flash before my eyes of 1223 when I'd been ordered to marry some man I'd never met before, my mother screaming at my grandfather to let me stay with her...1224 when I'd been turned into a vampire and my mother was the one that did it....being taken away in 1228 by a stranger who had forced himself on me...1253 when I murdered him out of hatred. I also had flashbacks to 1864 when I finally saw my mother again in Chicago....we'd lived together until the early 2000's until once again someone had put themselves between us, stealing my memories. Everything is clearer now, I remember everything.

I sit up and feel a pounding headache, oh great I thought Vampires didn't get headaches! Amelie comes back to the seat, reading while walking.

"Mother!" I cry and fling myself across the space to embrace her in a hug. I hear the book clunk to the floor as she hugs me back. "Alayna", she exhales in relief, " do you remember? "

"Yes mother, I remember everything. You killed the warlock didn't you?" I say.

She nods saying, "yes I got so angry when that warlock took your memories from you so I killed him, like you did in 1253 to your kidnapper, in hatred." I've seen her angry before, angry enough to kill someone but I never actually thought that she would kill a warlock.
"So what now?" I ask even though I already know the answer.
"We take control of all the humans on this town so that something similar never happens again, we go on a killing rampage during the night and in the morning offer our protection to humans that want it.
"Humans that accept will receive a bracelet to show who they belong to and they must give us some blood every month in exchange for our protection. Humans that don't want protection will be a free for all during the night for any vampire."
"So basically there's going to be a curfew?" I ask trying to make it more simple.
"Yes, they will get a curfew." She replies, "come let us go, I want to take you somewhere. We can discuss more there and I have invited a little friend to join us, I'd very much like for you to meet her."

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