Move By Daylight or Not At All

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Chapter 12 (Amelie)

The news of Claire's death does not come as a shock to me. After all it was going to happen at some point, only time could tell when it would actually happen. I sit within one of the pews, the funeral has finished and I did not wish to attend the burial service. I know that I was her Protector and that it was seen to be my civil duty to attend things such as this but Michael and Eve clearly stated that they were to be the only two to go to it. Everyone else has left but I decided to remain within this Church, the only Church in Morganville.

Alayna (A week Later)

My mother seems to have distanced herself from the world, Claire's death has taken its toll on her even if she can not bring herself to admit it. Meanwhile the town's humans are attempting to take over.

Oliver (A few weeks later... 13:00)

The town is cloaked in chaos, human chaos of course for the vampires have nothing to do with it this time. A new Captain Obvious revealed herself a few weeks ago but we put an end to her and now the humans are rallying up against us, they call themselves the Daylight Foundation.

These 'Daylighters', as they are nicknamed, have began to round up all of the vampires and there are few of us left on the streets. They are trying to find a cure for vampirism which will never happen and are beginning to test the younger vampires first, that means that Michael is being tested at this precise moment.

19:00 that day...

They have found us, they have found where we are hiding under the town in the many storm drains built for a storm that would never come. I can hear them, they are trampling noisily through the tunnels. Guns go off, dart guns and I hear someone fall to the ground. A vampire. The footsteps stop for a few moments while the humans collect the vampire's sedated body and I hear them retreat back down the tunnels. I walk out to see a man standing there holding a dart gun, I run. Too late. The needle barely scratches the surface of my skin but I feel the effects of the drug take hold almost instantly. Everything fades to a dull grey and the world blurs before me.

Chapter 13 (Amelie- 1:00 the next morning)

We are in the old shopping mall; the vampires that is. We are being held within here and being experimented on, I know an escape route but they have attached trackers to each of us. Until I work out how to remove the trackers without them exploding I am forced to accept staying here. Each day they come and call us to the atrium using the trackers, everyday its the same thing. I don't go down, I've been once and that was enough for me. Myrnin and I work day and night to figure out the code for the trackers.

2 days later... 15:00

Staying away from the unprotected windows is hard but coping with our hunger is harder. Myrnin is beginning to get snappy without blood, if a human walked in now he wouldn't show them mercy. There are bathrooms but most of the showers don't work, and there were spare clothes but they have all been taken now. All we own is currently laying upon our cold skin.

The 'Daylighters' have managed to cure Michael. They want to try it on the second youngest, a female Spanish vampire who was turned 150 years ago, and then they want to try it on the rest of us. I'm unsure of being cured, many don't make it and I don't want to be mortal. I have come to love my immortal life more and more as this 'cure' looms over our heads.


We've done it. Myrnin and I have made a breakthrough and have managed to deactivate both of our trackers. We also found Alayna along with one of my body guards and deactivated theirs as well.

The humans are planning something, we must intercept their plans...


We climb through the garbage shoot, unpleasant yes but not as unpleasant as going through the experiments that the humans have set their minds on. We are going to have a bit of fun, hunting like the old times. We are going to wear makeup to disguise ourselves from a distance and then we will attack...


They are defeated, the town is ours once more. We are going to refresh the brains of the humans not in league with the so called "Daylight Foundation". The " Daylighters" won't be so lucky...


A/N: I'm sorry for this really short part of two chapters. I'm winding down the book, the next part will be the last part of Amelie's Daughter. As you have probably noticed I have done it in journal or diary form, this is intentional. Thanks for reading!

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