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Chapter 7 (Alayna)

Common Grounds is full when I arrive, I find a table and find myself penned in by my three bodyguards.
"Um...guys? You do know there is a thing we all like, its called personal space."
"Oh sorry ma'am." One of them says but they only take one step away. I sigh inwardly, its so annoying! My mother has ordered for guards to follow me literally everywhere I go, there's even a female bodyguard so that if I needed to you know.... Then she'd go with me, kind of...disturbing. I gulp down the paper cup of O positive and wait...for nobody in particular. Someone grabs my wrist in a tight grip; its a young boy with greasy skin, greasy black hair, a really bad case of achne and he had a knife pressed up against my wrist (Not that it would do much). I know who this is, this is Jason Rosser.
"What do you want?" I say tersely. My bodyguards tense up beside me but I lift my right hand (the one not under the knife) to tell them to stay where they are.
"Wow, you really do look like her...its eerie. You are beautiful though." He says.
I give him a cold look, the type of look only my mother and I can give people the pleasure of receiving. You really are not beautiful, you're all slimy and suck up to vampires. I will not be taken advantage of, I will not allow him to suck up to me.
"I said. You are beautiful." He repeats as if I hadn't heard.
"And I said what do you want?" I shoot back coldly.
"I need to talk to you."
"Talk then." I'm getting annoyed.
"Not here, not with so many people listening and not with these creeps listening to my ever word."
I roll my eyes. "Carl, Stella, Dan. If you would wait here, I will be back in a few minutes." They acknowledge my request and don't move to follow me.

We have just turned into the alley when someone barges past us. "Hey! There's a new word, it's called excuse me! You can't just barge everyone out of the way, it's called being polite and showing proper eticate!" The man turns around, he has an evil grin on his face and he makes some sort of gesture. Before I know what is happening, Jason stakes me. It's only wooden and won't do me any harm but my God does it hurt! I sink to my knees and I feel my hands being bound by silver manacles. I am blindfolded before everything fades to darkness...

Jason is looking down at me when I open my eyes, my wrists sting from the silver burning my skin and my chest hurts from where the stake had been. Jason has a knife.
"Finally," he breathes, "I've been waiting for you to wake up so that you could feel everything." Oh my God what is he going to do? I feel the knife scrape down into my right arm, the blade dragging slowly through my flesh. I gasp but I don't let out the scream he wanted, I'm tougher than that! He drags it deeper and the blade scrapes against my bone, I grimace at the grinding sound it makes and grit my teeth to hold any comments I feel like spitting at him back. He turns away and I get enough times to rub some of my blood onto my bracelet (the one that my mother gave to me for protection; all I have to do is rub some blood on the bracelet and it would alert her, I only wish she's paying attention.) before he turns around and begins a new assault on my left arm. This is going to be a long day.

Oliver saves me- yes I know Oliver! He binds Jason up and piles him into the Police van with orders to take him to the Elder's Council. He carries me to the limo as I am too weak and takes me to the Elder's Council as well.

Red roses are spread around the main chamber. The red rose is used to symbolise betrayal of trust and loyalty and normally are laid out when criminals are prosecuted (usually with the death sentence) where as if white roses were to be laid out it would symbolise joy and happiness. I have not seen white roses in this chamber for years... Oliver sets me down gently on the floor next to the wall, no one else is in the room... Well none that I can see anyway... He leaves me there and takes his seat. Looking around, with white spots blurring my vision, I see that the heavy red curtain is drawn to hide the criminals. I hear the door being thrown open with force, my mother is kneeling beside me in minutes.
"My child," she begins, "what happened?"
I go to speak but my throat burns so much... Hunger... My mother produces a small pin sized knife from her inside pocket and runs it across her palm, she allows me to drink from it. The blood isn't as...lush... As a humans but it's blood and that is all that matters at this moment in time, I stop drinking when the cut heals over and my throat is no longer burning with the urge to feed.

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