A Wolf's Story

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Chapter 15 (Melanie)

Why am I here? Oh, yeah the Founder sent me here to 'recooperate' and complete 'rehab', yeah right! Sighing I glance over at the clock, crap its 9am! I was supposed to be in the fitness suite at 7! I jump out of bed and rush to the wardrobe, I pull out some black skinny jeans (ok, I know they're not ideal to run in but who cares? I sure as hell don't!) and a black t shirt along with my forever loved Dark Angels hoodie. I dart into the bathroom and am finished in record time, I drag a hairbrush through my long mousy brown hair (I really want to dye it red and have it cut but it'll just grow back to quickly due to my wolfy genetics) and run down to the fitness suite. I am asked why I'm late but I just say, "I'm a girl, I have problems, I miss my friend and I slept in late. You got a problem with that?" He goes to say something else but I just walk past him and step onto a tread mill. I plug in my headphones and set the tread mill for light jog (Hello! High level of unfitness over here!)

I don't feel guilty about what I just said at all, helll! He was totally in the wrong! Can't a girl get a break? Firstly; yes I am a girl (what's more I am a wolf teenage girl not a human girl, that means more hormones than a 'normal' teenager), secondly I do have problems; I wasn't lying, what do I have to lie about? Where to start; I have medical issues as in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which is a pain in the butt I'm telling you that! Furthermore, I have joint problems (hips, knees...you name it and ill probably be diagnosed with it) back problems, cluster headaches and am prone to colds more than anyone else, aghh! Why does life hate me!? Thirdly, I miss my friend who I had to leave behind me in Morganville (yes I remember it, the weird border didn't get rid of my memories because I am going back again. In fact a couple of vamps hang around here keeping an eye on me, not creepy at all...). Alayna has been my best friend for five years (she hasn't changed a bit over that time) since she moved to the dull town of Summerdale where the films are normally out on DVD by the time they reach cinemas and no decent book stores are around, she helped me become me, she helped me revise for all of the annoying exams which would determine our future (well, guess what exams? You don't determine our future anymore!) but overall I just wanted her to talk to even if she is....what she is. Lastly, yes I sleep in late. What idiot gets up at blinking 6am in the morning (well...besides my friend who is already up at this time but she is...a...well she's not human) to go to school? That's ridiculous! If I had it my way then I'd start school at 3pm and finish at 9pm! Well, there you go that is me in a nutshell.

Running is such a pain in the neck (pun very much intended...you know, neck problems and stuff) so after half an hour of constant running I press 'Cool Down' and it eventually stops. I step off and my legs feel like jelly, I walk straight into the coach who pulls me aside from the rest of the 'class' to have a 'chat'.

"Tell me again why you were late?" He asks me. Jeez stop looking down person! Look at my eyes not my chest, I am NOT interested in guys! Get that into your thick skull! He looks up (its as if he's read my mind!)

"I was late because I needed a lie in."

"You have a lie in every day."

"I'm not a morning person."

He accepts this and walks off. I shrug and go back to my room.

He walks into my room, the little b*****d how dare he come in my room! Before I can say anything, he's on me. I scream and kick him in the shins which does nothing so I aim higher (this works!) and as he keels over I run sideways. I feel my claws emerge but I don't pull them back in again and when he turns back to me I run my claws smoothly down his face causing him to yell loudly in surprise, he comes at me again and I shout, "Look, I am not straight! Ok? I don't give a damn about what you want to do because I sure as hell don't want it!" But he's persistent, he comes at me again and I give up with conversation. I grab his head tightly between my clawed hands and snap his neck, rendering him dead. His body drops to the floor and I kick it for good measure. Grabbing my phone I run out of the room crying.

She answers on the first ring. "Hello? Who's speaking please?"

"Um...hey, Alayna? Its Melanie."

"Melanie! How are you, how's rehab?"

I sob, "Not good." I hear a rustling and say, "Who else is there with you?"

"You're on speaker phone. My mother is sat reading a book...", I hear her say, " Mum, what book are you reading?" And a muffled reply of, "A Time To Kill by John Grisham."

I hear her laugh at the end of the line, "That's ironic, she's reading A Time To Kill by John Grisham."

I burst out into tears, "Oh, Alayna I've done something terrible!"

"What have you done Melanie?" Shoot! Its Amelie!

"Founder! I um...I killed someone!"

"Ok, Melanie I don't want to talk over the phone about this; anyone can listen in. I am going to send you an airplane ticket for you to come back on Saturday. I'll have Carl meet you at the airport." With that she left the conversation.

"Mel, you do know that rehab is for you to get better and to stop you from killing someone right?"

"Yes but I don't really have a choice if a guy makes a move on me more than once in my own room!"

"Alright! Don't get sassy at me, I'm more than 785 years older than you. Ok I've gotta go, I'll text you on Saturday before you leave ok?"

"Hey! I'm not...ok I may be a little sassy...ok I'll see you Saturday?"

"Yeah but I'm not allowed to meet you at the airport, I'll tell you why when you get here! See you then!" She hangs up. Well that went well...

Chapter 16 (Melanie)

What the hell do I say if someone asks about the teacher? "Oh, yeah he is currently lying dead on my bedroom floor?" NO! I'm going to leave, I'm not staying here! Hell no! I don't care that its a full moon tonight, I'm leaving!

I've received the plane ticket back to Texas but its Tuesday and the ticket is for Saturday, I'm not sleeping in a room with a dead guy sprawled across my floor! It was bad enough going back to grab my bags (which have been permenantly packed; ready for me to leave), I shiver at the memory of him lying there...No, I won't think about it. I leave through the front gates, the security guards ask no questions about where I'm going laden with bags they just let me pass them. Soon enough I find myself walking through the woods, I'll camp somewhere here tonight. I need to be someplace concealed as I'm going to turn tonight.

At night approaches, I pull up a log to sit on and get a fire started. I'm not cold despite it being only 5 Degrees Celsius, probably all that wolf blood. I've never changed before but I know that changing means pain...I'm not great with pain... I reach over to my bag and eat a packet of crisps to pass the time, after this I get the chains out of my bag and tie them tightly around the tree. I finish by looping the chains through each other I thread the bolts through and attach the cuffs with will go around my wrists and ankles, I also attach the chains that will go across my chest like a harness. I change into shorts and a vest top (so that I don't waste any decent clothes) and quickly connect the chains to my wrists and ankles and around my chest. I drink a liquid which will keep down my strength as well; it burns my throat but I gulp it down nonetheless.

As the moon reaches its apex I start to sweat, pain shoots through my body causing my to spasm and keel over and my body feels as if its being ripped out from the inside. This lasts for around five hours, finally claws and large insisors emerge piercing through my skin and I feel my body physically change into another creature...a wolf.

The sun shines brightly through the trees indicating that morning has arrived. I unchain myself and put them back into my bag. I get changed and get a fire going so that I can cook breakfast. That was a long night...

Friday- After three days of travelling through woodland and over some deserts I come out onto an open plain, a road passes through the middle and a sign is above the road showing the way to the airport. I head in that direction.

I get to the airport by 6pm that evening and have my dinner on the bench outside it (the airport is shut after 6pm and doesn't open until 5am in the morning, this is strange as normal airports never close at anytime. But this is not a normal airport; its in the middle of the Californian desert), I then take my sleeping bag out of my bag and fall asleep.

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