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Chapter 9 (Alayna)

"Its always the same with you!" I yell at him, "Why did I marry you, you ask? Maybe because I loved you, have you ever considered that?" He glares back at me, Myrnin walks in with Eve. While I am distracted Jonathan puts a sliver knife to my neck.
"Now, will you come with me or are you to be a widow for the rest of your immortal life?"

I get a sudden flashback from my deepest past. The man, supposedly my 'lover' took me away...I never saw my mother, I never said goodbye...

The silver burns my neck, "I'll stay here."

The man held a knife above me while I screamed within my crib. My mother saved me but not before the blade had done some damage....

I snap back to reality as the blade cuts deeper. "I'm staying here!" I choke. The pressure relaxes as he falls to the ground, my mother's bodyguard is holding a metal cane.
"But how-?" I say as I look at my wrist. The bracelet has blood on it, great! I'd just summoned my mother without knowing about it. Oh dear.

25 minutes later...

The entire Council, well what's left of it, turned up. Jonathan has his hands bound by silver chains and is stood at the front. My mother is seated directly in front of him, I'm sat at the back. The chamber is, as usual, filled with the red roses, their fragrance smothers the air. She reads the usual scripted speech from memory; every time someone is arrested on any charge related to a vampire this speech is always read, its a mandatory thing really...its written in the rules of the town. Thankfully she ends the speech and turns to Jonathan, I can tell she's trying to think of a suitable punishment for him...probably death.

"Jonathan," she finally says. Jonathan returns her gaze. "I hereby sentence you to de-"
"Wait!" I hear myself yell and run up to her. "Can't you just exile him, how does death help? He'll just be relieved of suffering if you just kill him, its the easy way out."
"Alayna. Darling I-" He says. I cut him off by slapping him across the face.
Myrnin speaks up, "You know that's the second time she's done that in this room?" I turn my cold hard stare on him, he soon looks away and fidgets nervously.
"But you know I-" I slap him again.
"No! Don't you dare say that you love me!" I yell at him, I'm pleased to say that he flinched. "You and I both know that's not true, hell it probably never was true! You tell me one time that you truly thought that you loved me, go on. Tell me."
"Um...I..." He stutters.
"Exactly! You never did! I'm never falling in love again, I'll never find the right one..." I whisper the last part. Someone touches my arm, my mother. She looks at me and her eyes soften slightly.

Turning back to my traitor of a husband she says, "Exile." Its simple but effective. "You will not place a foot within the town's borders otherwise I will have you killed. I may even do it personally. Take him away!" The guards remove him from the room. "Oh, and Mark get me the divorce papers will you?" Mark, another new bodyguard (we get through quite a few), nods and leaves the chamber.
"Alayna." She says as I turn to walk away. "Will you come home now?"
"Yes." I reply simply and keep walking, "I just have something to do first."
In hear my mother sigh, "Teenagers." I smile.

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