Not In The Right Mind

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Chapter 1 (Unknown)

I stood in the daylight, the rays of the sun dancing across the surface of the water. My skin glows, my eyes are crimson, my nails sharp like claws and my teeth are as sharp as knives. My eyes change from crimson to amber and eventually back to chocolate brown, my claws retract and my teeth pull back into my jaw. There wasn't a threat, my brain just thinks that everything is a threat. Why? Its so annoying!

I snap awake from my very real dream, that was what had happened everyday for the past week, and climb clumsily out of my bed. My reflection looks back at me in the large wall mirror, my God my hair is a mess! Its sticking up in all angles like I have just been electrocuted, bed hair is not a good look on me. My best friend had always been able to have her hair lay flat even if she hadn't done anything to it, although she did always pin it up, and that annoyed me quite a bit as you can imagine.

I drag the comb through my long hair but don't achieve anything, the knots come out in clumps and pull a lot of my hair out with them. I have had enough! I rummage around in the drawers and find what I am looking for, a pair of scissors. They are a little rusty but they will do the job just fine. I grab a handful of my hair and cut it, I do this until its above my ears. I know that it won't stay short for long but it will stay out of my way for now.

I pull on some warm clothes, it is very cold outside and snow dusts the ground in many layers, and I head down to the breakfast hall. I have no friends here, I left mine back in Texas in....I can't remember where, everytime I try to remember I get a really bad headache... So I just eat my breakfast alone as always. Once we have finished we get the usual speech.

"Fellow brothers and sisters," obviously we're not related, that's just what we have to refer to each other by here, "As you know the full moon is tonight. You must be back from your extra curricular activities by 5pm otherwise we can not guarantee your safety, you are all aware of what happened last time. The humans don't dislike us, they hate us. They think that we are killing their livestock, which we are not, and have resulted to shooting any of our kind that enter their land's borders. Dismissed." Everyone gets up and leaves.

Yes, I am Chloe (I have changed back to my original human given name, I don't want anything to do with my father. He abandoned me.) I lived in California with my friend Rebecca, also known as Alayna, but we got separated at some sort of ceremony...I don't remember it... And we went to somewhere in Texas...again I can't remember where. I moved to Alaska for a new life but every time I changed it got harder to control myself, I've killed  many people while not in my human form...I got taken to some sort of asylum and now I can't get out...the doors do not open once you are inside...

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