I was just "In the moment"

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I guess now ever since that time Kevin saw me at the mall, I have to really worry about where I am and how many people I'm surrounded by. Am I scared? Not really, just concerned about my baby, my wife and friends. I mean, I have to go someday right? Not a knife, gun or any weapon can make me scared of someone. None. If you stab or shoot me, then you just do.

"Hey Jay, could you please make Kaige stop crying?" Bianca asked, "I've tried, burping him, rocking him, feeding him, he doesn't need to be changed, and I even tried singing"

"Have you tried poking him?"

"No, why would I-"

I gently and playfully poked his stomach and face repeatedly until he stopped, "Hey kid, shut that shit up" he stopped crying and stared at me. "You mad?" He smiled and started sucking on his fingers. "Okay, NOW he's hungry....or just being a fat ass" I smiled and looked up at B who was looking more confused than ever. "Told you he likes me more"

"I'll fix his bottle if you tell me what happened with the dude in the store" she smiled innocently

I started to get up, then she pushed me back down and took Kaige, then sat on me, "I'm not moving until you tell me" she protested.

"Unless you're sitting there for another occasion, you should move because I'm not telling you"

"If you don't tell me, I won't put out"

"You're acting as if I don't have hands, they can do just as good a job as your-"

"Baby!" She shouted


"No, baby... Don't talk like that in front of him"

"He doesn't understand what I'm saying"

My cousin Nadia came in at the wrong moment. He doesn't care about what comes out of his mouth. "What's up?" 

"What's up?"

"She's getting on my ass about talking bad in front of the baby, like he knows what I mean"

"Uh, I dunno man...I said a few things when this girl was here the other day while I was watching him and...never mind"

"And what?"

He picked up Kaige and held him up in front if his face, "That girl from the other night had a fat ass, huh?" when he said that, Kaige started smiling. He gave him back and went in the kitchen. I hesitated to look at Bianca, but when I did, she didn't look too happy about it "So you still holding back on it?" I asked innocently.


I poked out my bottom lip and played with the hem of her pajama shorts, "holding back on your mouth too?"

She rolled her eyes at me and stormed toward the stairs with Kaige. "No, I didn't mean--I WANTED YOU TO KISS ME!!" I yelled.

My cousin, Nadia looked at me and laughed, "You always have and always will suck when it comes to women"

"She's still with me so obviously I don't suck all that bad"


Around Three o'clock I met the boys at a Chinese restaurant. It was Craig's idea.

When I got there I sat down at the table with Trey and Ray. They weren't speaking to each other so it was quiet. "Where's Craig" I asked.

"He's in the bathroom" they said in unison. They looked at each other and went back to doing what they were doing before I got here. Playing on their phones, trying their best to ignore each other. 

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