Everything is black and white and grey

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(Some advice from me to my readers. Never let someone play with you, I don't give a fuck if it's over a dollar. You gettin jacked bruh, show yo ass over that dollar bill because please believe they will try to take something more valuable from you the next time)

[ALSOOO Christian isn't going to have a big part in the story until I get her involved in some shit or have her do some of her own shit. You'll never know! But let's all say that she's sick. And her baby? She's still alive, don't worry lol. She'll have her own issue too, but she's been with Kaige and the others just silently... Like Kaige is lmao.. So don't be all like "Where's Chrissy and the fuckin baby?" I got ya'll lmao. It's too many people to keep track of right now.]


Vanessa's POV.

Kammie has been blowing up my phone for the last three hours. If she keep on, I might stop playing 'Look for me' and go look for her. I hate when people talk shit and threaten me. Like, bitch you really playing with my life. I remember before I went to Jail I was soft; I let people run over me. When I got there I had a number of fights. Hell, I even got stabbed a couple times. And then I met this girl named Angie. She protected me when no one there liked or respected me. We still talk to each other while she's in jail. She gets out next year and I'm gonna go pick her up. She taught me everything I needed to know before I left. And the last thing I remember she told me was,

'Remember V, If you feel like your life is being played with or if somebody's testing you, you better get on they ass quick. Whether it's just fightin' or tellin' them off. Show no mercy because you know damn well they'd do it to you.'

 It's crazy how a life experience or even just witnessing some terrible shit can change your attitude and how you look at the people around you. Until you prove me other wise, I'm gonna assume you're going to fuck me over. But that doesn't mean I won't get you before you get me. I'm smarter now, I peep shit out better. These niggas out here? Bigger snakes than these low down ass females and it didn't take me long to figure that out.

About an hour later Bianca called me sounding concerned. "Do you know some girl named Kammie or Cameron?"

"Kammie?" I corrected "Yeah I know that hoe, why? What happened?"

"Do you know someone named Tori?" She asked completely ignoring my question.


"Because Christian and Craig said they saw them together at the mall and Craig said you know the brown skinned one" She said, finally answering my question.

"I know her very well. Be cautious of any brown skinned girl that just randomly comes up and talks to you. That could be Kammie"


"And don't answer any questions, don't tell her your business, don't even tell her your first name" I sat and thought for a while, "Wait, I want you to get some information out of her. She likes Jacob now so she's gonna try and get close to you to get to him--"

"Wait, excuse me? How do you know?"

"Long story... Before I tell you anything else, I wanna know the most important thing"


"You bout that?"

"Uhh, what?"

"Bianca..." I took the phone away from my ear and laughed quietly, "Have you ever had a fight in your life?"

"Just with Jacob"



"Who won?" Look at my nosey ass.

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