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Ya'll must've forgot that Prince and Jacob are the same people. They both Taurus' and they don't forgive easily.


Bianca's POV.

"Are you sure you wanna leave? I don't live far, you can come stay with me"

"What happened between us is the reason why I'm leaving. I can't stay with you. I'm just gonna live with my brother and maybe I can forget Jacob and this whole situation"

"I've only known you for two days and honestly. When you said a lot goes on at your house, I didn't believe it until now"

"Yeah well, they're still there if you wanna meet the others"

"I don't wanna meet the dude you cheated on.. And with me. He's scary"

"That's him" I picked up my phone and dialed my brother's number, "I made it to the airport. I'll text you when to come"

"Alright, bye"

"Bye" I hung up and hugged Erin goodbye. "We haven't known each other for long, but I'm gonna miss you so much. Tell Chris and the others goodbye for me?"

"I'll call them right now"

"Thank you" I hugged her again and got out of the car.

When I got on the plane I found my seat and sat down next to a little boy and his dad. "First time flyer?" asked the man.

"No, it's my second"

"You look a little down, what's wrong?"

"Long story"

"You can tell me, after all we're gonna be sitting next to each other for some hours. Plus, I'm a psychiatrist. There's nothing too crazy or personal that I haven't heard before"

I told him the whole situation and he sat there with this concerned face. Almost like he's trying to figure out what to tell me. "I can't tell you anything right now, but sense we're both going to the same place how about I get your number, and we meet up at a local Starbucks and talk to him together"

"He doesn't wanna talk to me"

"Did you try?"

"Yeah, then he just compared me and the situation to his past girlfriend and just left me there. As soon as he left I called my brother then he bought me a last minute ticket and here I am"

"You left because you wanted to? Or because of something else"

"When he compared me to Ashley, I thought back on what he told me some months back. He was so hurt and I thought maybe if I step in and take it up a notch he would never feel that way ever again" I sighed, "I even promised him that I would never do what she did to him. Ever. Then just yesterday I broke that promise and did the same thing she did"

"So basically, you left because you didn't want to see him hurt?"

"No, he pushed me away. I left because I had no choice. He'll never let that go... I just don't want him to hate me"

"This is the first time I've ever been puzzled like this"

"Yeah, anything concerning Jacob can do that to a person"

"Maybe I can solve it when we get to Atlanta. I have to hear his side in order to put the pieces together"


Craig's POV.

"Christian, I'm sorry I acted that way over a small kiss"

"It's fine. I understand that he's your bestfriend and I understand I was wrong. I won't ever do something like that again"

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