The Bible or the Rifle... Goodnight, Folks.

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Kammie's POV.

The next day Tori called me to come over for something. I just went because I knew it was something concerning Bianca and her friends, and I'm just ready to cut everything short. She got me fucked up if she thinks I'm just gonna go along with this again.

"We can't let them slide with this, forreal"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Those girls came over here and attacked us"


"So, we can't just let them do that"

"Yes we can... It's obvious they're smarter and faster than us and they have more people"

"That's all we need! More people!"

"The only enemies they have is us... Nobody's gonna join our side for fun, bitch" I poked her forehead, "Think sometimes! It's over! They fucking won. Leave them the fuck alone"


"BITCH! I'll be damned if I lose my life fucking around with you! I'll lick and hump a public toilet seat at a local gas station before I decide to lose my life with a bitch who doesn't have shit better to do than stalk motherfuckers and paint all damn day! That's why you don't have a nigga! You're too busy being fucking crazy! I'm more than sure that you would've been had Jacob if you cleaned yourself up, did something to that dry ass, stringy ass hair and put on some damn makeup maybe then that would be you Jacob was protecting from a crazy bitch... Get your head out of your ass and realize when enough is enough" I said with exhaustion, "These people obviously don't need each other to take you down.. They almost could have killed us... Twice"

"Yeah, but--"

"But nothing... You are pussy. You're only doing this because I'm here. You think you have something to prove"

"Pussy? Do I need to call Vanessa?"

"Bitch you don't even want Vanessa here because you know she'll bring Christian and you don't want that... And I'm not pussy.. That's just someone that I can't fuck with and I accept that. You can't fuck with any of them and they all want your head" I said calmly. She's getting on my fucking nerves, trying to kill crazy people. I've learned a lot fucking with Tori.

"They want your head too"

"No... Just yours now. I tried to clear the air for both of us, but obviously it's not enough.. I'm done with you"

"You can't leave me after all we've done together! You know too much"

"Don't worry.. I won't tell anybody.. I got my ass whooped, I think that's just something that's not gonna leave my mouth forever"

"I'll kill you if you--"

"Bitch we both know I can kill you before you get to me. I'm not afraid of your ratitouille looking ass"

"You wanna bet?"

"Lord knows, I don't wanna take another life"

"You don't have to... If you beat me up as bad as you think you can, then I'll leave you and them alone. If I win, you stay and help me"

"No, bitch I know how low down you are. If I win, I'm taking your computer and all this other shit you use to stalk people, you let me give you and your house a damn make over with your money because you need it, and you leave me and them alone for good"

"If I win?"

"You get to kill me"


"Okay, now come on Chicken little" When she tried to run up, I mushed her forehead and she flew back. "Looks like I'm winning" I smirked. When she got up, I decked her in the forehead, making her go back into the wall and punched on her continuously. I wasn't even trying. This is a prime example of a computer nerd. They like to sit behind their computers and fuck with people, but in real life they ain't shit.

The Wild Life (The Wild Ones sequel)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя