Hide and seek

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I've decided to speed up time a little and make it to where the babies are crawling. Got it? No? Sorry.


It's been two months since I've changed my number and I haven't got a call or text from Kevin since. Jacob and the others still haven't left the house yet except Trey and Ray. They only come to our house though. Christian hasn't had any doubts lately, but I know there are some questions burning inside her somewhere. Every now and then, I can see it when she looks at me.

I put on some clothes and went to Ray's house to get away from her stares.

"So has Kevin talked to you yet?"

"Nah, I changed my number a long time ago" I replied, "He'll find me sooner or later, but it doesn't matter because my trigger finger is faster than his"

"I remember when he shot at us a few years ago. This nigga actually gave us time to run and shoot back" Trey laughed.

"He couldn't hold the gun right I guess. Or maybe it was jammed" Ray added on, "He is a wanna be thug"

"Just be careful and don't let him catch you slippin'" Trey advised.

"I won't" I reassured him. We took the conversation back to my house and of course, Jacob would lead it into an argument.

"I wanna shoot him first" Trey volunteered.

"How do you know if you'll find him first?" Jacob asked in a slightly disrespectful tone.

"Because I know!" he said

"Trey always wanna be the first one to volunteer to do the easy shit and stay fuckin' up!" Jacob said a little more disrespectfully, "He might show up, shoot the wrong person and leave!"

"Fuck you! That was a long time ago!" he shouted guiltily and cutting his eyes at Jacob.

"It doesn't matter, you might do it again! You wouldn't have to volunteer for shit if it wasn't for Craig!" he pointed, "It's his fault for walking by himself and now we can't even go to a corner store without worrying about being spotted" he yelled.

"I ain't have nothing to do with ya'll argument, don't put me in it" I said.

"You put us in the situation so you'll be apart of it and if you don't like it oh well. I'ma still talk"

"That's all you do! You never react; just talk shit all day!" Trey said.

"Fuck you! Fuck both of you! Ya'll can't do shit with me anyway!" He said, eyeballing us.

"He don't wanna fight us, but as soon as Bianca open her mouth he quick to swing somethin'. Pussy ass"

"You got me fucked up" he pushed Trey into my dresser , making Christian's make-up and other valuables fall over. Looking at them reminded me of the fight they had years before we met the girls. As much as I hate to say it, Jacob was right. He really can't do anything with him. Trey may be strong and built, but lets not forget the kid who once accidentally killed his neighbor's dog with a straw in the 3rd grade. Jacob knows how to kill a person with his pinky finger. Trey on the other hand could learn a few things. But don't get me wrong, he can't whoop all of our asses. Not mine and he knows it.

I broke them up and put Jacob out of my room before Trey says something he'll soon regret.

"Man, you gotta chill"

"No, all he does it talk shit!"

"I know, but it's Jacob. You should've been used to it by now"

"So ya'll just gonna let him run his mouth?"

The Wild Life (The Wild Ones sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora