Oh boy!

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"You just gonna stand there? You're not gonna run? Come on, bro you're not making this fun for me...How about this you get a twenty-five second head start, how about it" I shrugged and he started counting, "5....10..." I took off and hopped the fence and kept straight so he'd think I was running to the next street. When I heard their cars burn rubber, I turned left and hopped over the fence to the next person's backyard. Good thing they weren't home at the moment. I called Jacob and told him to come pick me up down the street. I took a peek from the side of the house and saw them pass through again. And then I saw Jacob pull up minutes after. He called me and told me that no one was on the street and to hurry before they come back. I checked for them once more and raced to the car and got in. Jacob gave me a worried look. "What happened?"

"Kevin's out of jail" I answered.

"What did he tell you?"

"He just said something about us putting him in Jail a while ago and then he just pulled two guns out at me"

"We move out of state to get away from shit like this and it just follows us" he dragged his hands down his face. "How did he even find us? Does he even know where we live?"

"I don't think he knows what street we actually live on, because I was just walking, I could have been coming from a whole different street"

"How many cars were with him?"

"About three I think"

"Ready to go to jail maybe?"

I looked at him and smirked, "Ready" I confirmed.

He got a screw driver from his arm rest and got out of the car to remove the license plate and replace it with a fake one. When he finished he came back and looked at me, "You we're gonna have to use--"

"A plan I know" I interrupted

"Yeah interrupt me because that makes everything better"

"Okay, I'm sorry..What do you think we should do?"

"Use a plan"

"I just said that"

"No...you interrupted me. I said it"

"Okay whatever just tell me the plan"

"I don't have one right now"


We drove around until we saw that the streets were completely empty and went into the house before anyone saw us.

Jacob's POV.

As soon as we made it home, I told Craig to call the other two and tell them what just happened. I went upstairs with Bianca and the baby and she was telling me about some girl at Walmart. After she finished telling me, the doorbell rang and she hopped up to go get it. "I just don't see how your mom can take so much shit from everyone" I told Kaige. He didn't really respond verbally, but he smiled. That's enough for me.

About five minutes later, Bianca came in looking mad as ever and what came right behind her were my cousins.

"You should teach your maid some manners or better yet hire a new one" said Gabriel, the asshole of all of my cousins. Maybe I should have warned Bianca about him instead.

"She's my wife, dumb ass"

"That explains the attitude" He rolled his eyes "Anyway, who's baby?" he asked, pointing to Kaige.

"It's yours, Angela dropped him off last month" I said, referring to his ex of two years.

"I broke up with Angela last month..."

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