I'm the light, you're the bomb

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"Bianca come here, babydoll"


"You know you're my favorite right sweet heart?"


"Well, you are tonight. Why don't come over here and talk to me"

"I-I'm helping Bryan fix--"

"Nah, he'll be fine, come here"

"No, I have to--"

"No. You will do what I say, now bring your ass over here" I walked over to him and sat down on the sofa. "This is Ronald, Chris, and Tony. They're good friends of mine and they want to get to know the love of my life" He pulled me close and squeezed me. "Go on, they don't bite" 

He picked me up and put me back on the floor. "Go" He nudged me over to them.

"Hey, I'm Tony" the man hiccuped in that annoying voice adults use to get kids to like them. I played with my fingers and looked down at my little feet. "Those are nice footie pajamas"

"Thank you" I said under my breath.

"Why don't you let him see what size it is? He might want to borrow it. Take it off and show him" I shook my head and backed away. "Bianca. Listen to me, now" I backed up some more and took off running. He got up and chased after me. While I was running, I tripped over the leg of the coffee table and he grabbed my ankle, pulling me back into the den. I kicked and screamed and he picked me up by my ankle, covered my mouth and dangled me in mid air, "Stop it or I'll slam you into floor" I stopped squirming and he flipped me right side up and carried me into the den. "Bianca. Now"

My brother came in to get me and our dad stood in front of him, blocking his way. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I came to get my sister"

He laughed, "She doesn't need you right now" he pushed my brother out and locked the door. "That way, he can't get in and you can't get out" he unzipped my onesie and took it completely off and pushed me back.

"Come here, I don't bite" said one of his friends. I'm assuming his name is Chris. He pulled me over and sat me on his lap. "Who's this on your underwear? Powerpuff girls? What size are these? I might wanna borrow these too"

"You can't have them"

"Oh, can't I? Well who says I can't?"


"But who's bigger?"


"Oh okay then so I guess it's okay to borrow them then" He slid them off and set them aside. Then I was completely naked. He turned me around to where I was facing him. He took his big hand and pulled my hair behind my ear. "Do you bite?"


"What about down here, does that mouth bite?"


"Can I check?"

"No" I slowly tried to bring my knees together and he quickly moved them apart. He kissed my cheek and began to touch me. I started crying and called out to my daddy for help, but he just sat there watching and laughing. I squirmed and squirmed and I screamed for my brother, but the other man got up and covered my mouth. The man next to Tony stuck his finger in me. I kicked and I screamed, but it wasn't enough. They were all bigger and stronger than me. I had no one. "Bianca stop moving!" My dad yelled. He took off his belt and stood over me and the three men, "Shut the fuck up, or I'll strangle you with this belt" I stopped moving and let it happen.

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