Over you

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Bianca's POV

I woke up from my nap and checked my phone. A Call and two texts from Erin. I looked over and saw Jacob watching TV next to me. "Good afternoon, sir"

"You know you talk in your sleep right?"

"Good Afternoon, Bianca" I said in a deep voice.

"What did you and Erin do?"

"Nothing, why?"

"You were giggling and saying 'Erin stop'"

"Nothing happened last night I believe.. Must've been some kind of dream"

"Something must've happened in that shower you spoke of this morning"

I really have no idea what he's talking about. Me and Erin didn't do anything I think.

He reached over and stretched open my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Checking to see if you didn't betray me and also to see if any gay rubbed off on you. I don't wanna get a divorce because my wife was secretly a lesbian"

I slapped his head away and got up, "You do the most"

"I was joking. But you are acting a little different"

"Jacob whatever you're accusing me of may or may not have happened. Either way, I don't remember a thing so I can't tell you much. Sorry"

"If you're gonna leave somewhere, come back drunk as fuck, giggling girls' names and acting weird and being defensive then I obviously can't trust you to do things like that"

"So, you're saying I'm not allowed to have fun?"

"I was home all day, I don't know what you were doing"

"So you're saying I'm not allowed to do anything fun" I repeated.

He sighed "...Your friend Erin called while you were sleeping. You should call her back...She must be worried" He got up and left the room.

I couldn't say anything. This is hard for me because I don't know what happened. But what makes it worse is that even though he's not saying it, I can tell he's heartbroken. What did I do that was so wrong? I went downstairs and saw him lying in his mom's lap. I began to approach them, but stopped because well.. Erin called. "Hello?"

"Hey Beautiful, what are you doing today?"

"Nothing, just staying in the house today, why?" I passed them up and went to the great room.

"I wanted to see you today, I miss you already"

I looked around to see of anyone was looking or listening, "Where are we going?"

"To the beach if you want"

"Sure, is Amber or the other three coming?"

"No, just us"

"Oh, okay well call me when you're up the street. Don't blow the horn"

"Alright, bye"

"Bye" I hung up and put my phone in my bra. I know leaving with Erin could be the biggest mistake of my life, but I need to know what happened and tell her that we can't see each other. I don't know how I'm gonna tell her I'm married and have son. I should've told her the truth when we met. "Oh, we're just friends that live together!" I mocked myself. "How dumb can I be?" I went upstairs and took a shower before Erin came.


Jacob's POV.

"How do you know if she's cheating?" My mom asked.

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