Tell me I'm a wreck

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Teresa's POV.

"What did you do this time? Why did she come here smiling and leave crying? If you hit her I swear I'll beat the shi--"

"I didn't do anything! She's divorcing me today and there's nothing I can do about it"

"...Nothing you can do about it?" She mocked "You could've done something about it today! She came here with a smile on her face and her heart on her sleeve, trying to get you back and you send her away crying? I didn't raise you like that. You don't do that to someone you once called your everything" It's not even my relationship and I'm sitting here about to cry like Bianca's filing a divorce for our marriage.

"So? She'll get over it"

I seriously can't believe how a boy can be so mean and cold hearted "...You know what? You're not my son"

"What are you talking about? We look just alike. You can't get rid of me"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even know who you are"

"Ma, chill"

"Who are you talking to?" I looked around. "Weird kid" I left the living room and began to use my phone to buy plane tickets back to LA.

"So you just leave like we weren't just talking?" He followed behind me.

"Hello, I'd like to know when the next flight to Downey, California is?"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Excuse me? I'm on the phone if you can't already tell. Go find your mother, play with this rattle or something" I handed him Kaige's rattle and left out of the room, "Tomorrow at two? Okay, thank you"

"You're not funny"

"Why are you still following me?"

"Stop it"

"Oh, so you don't like being pushed away by someone you love, huh? It's not fun is it? Think about how Bianca feels"

"Stop making examples and throwing hints at me! I don't want her anymore!"

"Because she made a tiny little mistake? You know, I love you more than life itself, but you are literally a piece of shit. Christian kissed you and Craig forgave her"

"Bianca didn't kiss a dyke, she fucked one"

"You're still stuck on that tiny shit? She flew up here to see you after you pushed her away and that's what you're still using against her?"

"Talking at me isn't going to make me change my mind. I like Tori now, and I can't just leave her alone to go back to Bianca"

"Tori isn't even cute! Your mouth is saying one thing, but that ring that's still on your finger says another. You're in denial and you know it"

"No, I'm not"

"...Who the hell are you? Stop talking to me, please"

"So when you're mad at me you just act like you don't know me?"

"Sir, please leave me alone. I have to start packing"

"Leaving isn't going to make me talk to her"

"You think I'm leaving because you're stubborn? I came here to help you, but obviously you don't want to be helped. You pushed Bianca away and now you're pushing me away. You have three weeks to make up with this girl or else I'm leaving and cutting you off for good. I'm not paying for anything anymore and don't call me for shit. Not even to say hello. This whole thing is stressful and you need to grow some fucking balls"

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