Then your heart became a home

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I barged through the door and slammed it behind me and went up to my guest room and locked the door. He knowingly cheated on me and wanted to get intimate. He wasn't gonna say anything about it either. I am not here for his ass to be pulling some Stevie J shit. I am not Mimi. But Tori? I don't even want to look at him anymore after that. I called his mom and told her to cancel everything.

"But why? What happened?"

"I went back over there and we made up, but then I found out he cheated on me with Tori"

She sighed, "Divorce?"


"What was done is done and I can't do anything to stop it. I failed again"

"No, you didn't--"

"No... Yes I did. I failed you, Jacob and your relationship, I'm sorry"

"You have nothing be sorry about. Jacob did that on his own"

"And that's what I'm sorry about. After his father died, I just let him run off and do what he wanted without any second thoughts... I know he told you what he did before"


"It's my fault. I failed as a parent. I tried to teach him a lesson, but it just fell back on me like always. I should just give it up and accept that I can't do anything right."

"No you didn't. We're both still teenagers. You can't stop a teenager from doing what they want to. He's legal now. Everything he does falls on his head in the end and it's not your fault. It's never your fault. Imagine if he heard you say that. His heart would break into a million pieces"

"And that would be my fault too"

"No.. Where are you?"

"I'm in the car. I was talking to Jacob on the other line, but he hates being on hold so he probably hung up"

"What did he say?"

"He just needed some stuff for the baby and he was talking to me about a car and something else, I can't remember"

"Are you in the drive way?"


"Want me to come?"

"Please?" I hung up and went across the street again and got in the car. "Hey... So, Tori huh?" She asked.


"I'm gonna miss you much"

"I'm gonna miss you too" I stopped and thought, "Is there anything I can do while I'm here?"

"For what?"


"...Find a way to get back together. That's all I want"



Jacob's POV

Nothing physically happened between me and Tori. I can never have her in my house for too long. I don't trust her. Everytime she comes over, I make sure she's under me at all times. I never let her out of my sight and I never go to sleep while she's here. I'd never stoop that low to hurt Bianca ever. I don't even care about that Erin thing. As the days went by I was a little turned on by the thought of it actually. I don't care about anyhing... I just want my Portilla back.

"Fuck. My. Life" I threw my phone across the room and turned off my lamp. I just want to be alone... With Bianca. I closed my eyes to try and go to sleep, but the constant ringing of my phone kept me up. I'm sure it's Tori so I'm not gonna worry about it.

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