You can't mark my words they'll put a spin on it

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Jacob's POV.

"Shit, shit, shit.. Holy shit what have I done? What the fuck have I done?" I ran to the first aid kit and came back. I rolled her over on her stomach, cleaned the cut and covered it before more blood can escape. Then I got a needle and some thread and started sewing it back. My hands were shaking so it was hard to sew it back, but some how I made it happen. By the time I got to the middle of the cut, I almost started to cry. I've never sewn a damn thing in my life. I wouldn't think my first time would be a cut on my wife's back that wouldn't have been there in the first place if it weren't for me. I felt her pulse and it started to slow down, "Come on don't fucking do this... I'm sorry and this time I mean it, I swear I won't ever lie to you again. I won't hit you ever again, no matter how angry I get at you I swear, don't do this, Bianca please" I continued to sew the cut back, tears falling in with every nip and tuck. "Don't die on me, I don't know what I'll do, I'm sorry" I stitched the cut completely and put ointment on it, then sealed it with gauges. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" I picked her up and put her on the bed. I did this with my bare hands. The only thing I can do is turn myself in, there's no way around this. "Okay... Be cool.. She's just unconscious right now, she's not dead... yet at least.. If the smell over powers the house I'll just bury the body in the back yard and--- What the fuck am I saying? This whole thing is turning me into a fucking loon. It's not gonna be long before I end up in a mental institution" I looked at Bianca and got up, "I'll just let her sleep and then I'll come back and everything will be fine right? She'll be okay, right? Yeah of course she will. She's.. She's just napping right now... Maybe not. Maybe she's just playing a prank on me to make me think I killed her, but in five seconds she'll hop up saying 'Gotcha!'" 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. I waited. Nothing, "Okay.. Let's do this again! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 aaand... Still nothing" I shook her, "Come on, Bianca stop playing around, I know you're faking it. I know your back hurts, I just stitched it back" I lifted her arm and dropped it. Her body temperature went down. I placed my head on her chest and her heartbeat was slower than before when I checked it. "No, no, no, no please don't die on me! I'll kill myself, please don't" Right then and there I started to panic. I wanted to get help, but there's nothing I can say to someone without looking like a complete monster. And they won't believe me if I told them the glass broke in her back, they'll think I stabbed her myself. I'll go to jail. And if I hide the body, they'll trace my finger prints and come to my house. If I tell them my real situation, they'll send me to an asylum. I went the bathroom, got some bleach, comet, and some carpet cleaner and began to clean the blood out of the carpet. After I finished that, I went to the balcony. I looked down and there was a big puddle of blood that had dripped down. I cleaned the blood up from the rail and the marble on the floor and hurried downstairs to clean the other puddle. I took the mop piece off and threw it in the washing machine to clean it, then ran back upstairs to check and see if she had moved yet. Nothing. I began to pace back and forth, thinking of everything that could happen to me. "This happened because I killed her father.. And now my Karma is catching up with me by having me watch the only girl who has ever given a fuck about me die and the only thing I can do is turn myself in. What are we gonna do with Tori? I can't tell anybody what I did if she croaks for sure" I lied down next to her and held her, "Please wake up... Please wake up and tell me that you're fine. If you die, how will I tell you the truth? The truth, truth. It's eating me up inside anyway. If you wake up, I'll tell you everything.. Maybe not then and there, but I will.. And soon... Just please wake up" I craddled her. Kaige began to cry in his room and I went to go get him. I put him down on the carpet and let him play with his toys, then went back to Bianca. "I wish I would have never done that.. I told you, Bianca... I warned you and what sucks is that you'll understand, but you won't understand completely because everything that's happening to me isn't happening to you so you'll never know what it's like... That's what I meant when I told you, you wouldn't understand... Please... Please Bianca, I'm breaking. Say something. Twitch, move your eyelids... Something. Please" Nothing.

The Wild Life (The Wild Ones sequel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant