A new beginning

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Its just beautiful how I just so happen to catch a cold a few days before my child is born, huh? I don't even think I can touch my kid without maybe infecting it while Craig is in the delivery room with Christian, probably watching her give birth. It's not fair.

I stepped out of the Room and went to the vending machine for some Orange juice. As I was walking down the hall I looked up and saw Natalie buying snacks. "Hey Nat" I said with a cracked voice. My voice was slowly fading.

"Oh, hey! Why aren't you in the delivery room with Bianca?" she asked, handing a bag of Doritos to a little boy in baby blue and black stripped footie pajamas with Gir from Invader Zim slippers.

"I have a cold, and I don't wanna infect the baby" I shrugged, "Is that your son?"

"Psh, I wish! This is my nephew, Brian" she said, "So, do you know you're having?"

I shook my head, "Nope, Bianca wouldn't even tell me when she got the results a couple months ago"

"Well that sucks" she folded her arms, "I hope it's a boy!"

"Eh, I want a girl" I coughed and went around her and put my dollar into the machine.

"What if it's both?" she asked, "What if it's a hermaphrodite?" she said excitedly.

I slowly turned my head in her direction, giving her a concerned look, "Wow, you and Trey are truly meant to be Best friends" I pressed the Minute Maid Orange Juice picture and got it from the bottom of the machine.

Speaking of the devil, the elevator opened up, revealing Him, Ray, Vanessa and Karma.

"It's about time!" Natalie said, obviously referring to Trey. She ran up and hugged him, "I wanna go see the babies!" she pulled him down the hall and to the nursery to look at the newborns.

I looked at Ray and Vanessa then looked at Karma. She looked pretty bummed about Natalie being here, so I just took her to the delivery room with me so she wouldn't be by herself.

The doctor gave me a mask to put over my mouth and nose, a pair of gloves and one of the jackets likehis assistants were wearing.

I walked over to Bianca and smiled, "Nervous?"

"A little" she said, "What if it comes out ugly?" she whispered.

I let out a dry laugh, "Bianca take a good look at me; that baby is going to be gorgeous"

"You're such a conceited little shit" she smiled weakly and punched me in the stomach.

"If I didn't want to get put out, I'd cough on you right now"


"That's why your vagina is gonna rip all the way to your ass hole" I joked. Before she could make a comeback I moved out of the way so they could deliver my son or daughter. I gave Karma my phone so she could record it.for me.


They only had the lower half of the baby to go, and Bianca looked through with. She was crying, sweating and screaming.

When he got it out, he dried it to prevent heat loss and cleared it's air way through it's nose and mouth. I gently elbowed Karma and whispered, "Can you see what gender it is?"

She tried to look between them and see, but she couldn't because they got in the way, "Nope, sorry" she said, "How come you didn't know before?"

"Queen B didn't want to tell me" I rolled my eyes.

When the doctor was done, he handed me the screaming baby "Here's your beautiful baby boy" I gently took the baby from him and played with his fingers. I looked up at Bianca and smiled, "Told you the baby was going to be gorgeous" I leaned over toward Karma to let her see, "Aww, he's so cute! I have no idea who's hair he has, but I know those are Bianca's dimples and those are your eyes" When he saw Karma he stopped crying and stared blankly at her, "Yeah those are definitely your eyes" she giggled.

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