Trying Times Part 1.

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Craig's POV.

"Who was that?" Christian asked.

"Nobody, um you're going to work tonight, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just wondering. What time are you coming home?"

"I always come home at 3:45"

"Oh, okay. I'll be right back" I got up and went to Jacob's room. and woke him up from his nap. "Get up, he wants to see me tonight"

"Who?" he asked


"What time?"

"Nine on the dot"

He shot up, "So what are the rest of us gonna do?"

"Remember the entrance in the back I told you about with the one that takes breaks?"


"When he's gone, go through there. It's dark in there so you'll have to wear all black in order to not be seen. My dad gave me some night vision sunglasses a couple years ago. Put those on and watch your back. They patrol the building every now and then because of the lack of cameras"

"Where do we go?"

"From that entrance, go right. When you see a white ripped poster, you take the hallway in front of it. From there, just keep going until you see a door with red tape across it. The door is very silent so slowly open it and creep up and there you go"

"Alright, right now it's 6:25, What are you gonna do til then?"

"Get you guys ready"

"What are you gonna do there?"

"I'm bringing my own gun"

"Be careful"

"Don't doubt me, I'll be fine" I laughed.


-Around Nine-

I walked to the back in the empty room with Kevin. It was dark and only had two sofas. Trifling.

"What do you want?"

"So what was this about? You change your number and it's just goodbye Kevin?"

"I changed it because this girl wouldn't leave me alone" I lied.

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I reset my phone. I only have a few people's numbers" I lied again.

"Ah, so what's been going on? You took care of the others?"

"Why do you need to get rid of them?"

"To get back at you all for putting me in jail"

"You all? What do you mean?"

"Ya'll got rid of me as a team" he chuckled, "You thought after you got rid of them, I was gonna let you slide?"


"Well you thought wrong. I was gonna kill you personally. I just didn't think this soon"

"It doesn't have to be"

He chuckled some more, "I don't think you have an option right now" As soon as he reached for his gun, I snatched mine out and pointed it at him. "You wanna play dirty, I can too" I warned him. "The whole time I had second thoughts about your trifling ass. You mad because we'll always be better than you and your little clique? It was always about competition, huh? It's been like that since Freshman year. We thought you were our friend. We trusted you and even thought about letting you become one of us, but you set us up"

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