All the small things

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Craig drove Feryn and I to the park with the windows rolled down. The wind in my long, wavy hair felt nice after being inside with the baby for so many days. I turned around to see how Feryn was doing. By the toothless smile on her face it seemed like she was enjoying the wind through her short natural curls. I turned around and looked out the window, thinking about what Craig told me the other day. I hesitated, but asked anyway. "Can I ask you something real quick?"

He smiled, "Me or Feryn?"

"You of course" I said. "So what's up?" he asked. I fixed my mouth and thoughts to ask him the right way so he wouldn't get ticked off and not talk to me for the rest of the drive. "If you feel comfortable telling me, could you tell me about the whole, not being here long thing?". He exhaled, "You need to disregard some of the things I say, Christian" he explained, "You've known me long enough to know that I say shit just to say it, some of my words don't mean anything half the time, you know?" I nodded, "Yeah I guess so....but just don't say things like that around me anymore okay? You scared me"

"I don't mean to scare you...sometimes" he chuckled. I shoved playfully shoved him and looked out the window again. "Hey, you know Jacob's cousins are coming over in a few days?" My eyes widened, "Really?" Craig told me all about Jacob's cousins when we were a fresh couple at Crowning. They used to visit Jacob and as Craig said, two of three of them were rude, loud, sarcastic assholes. The way he described them to me they didn't seem any better than Jacob. "Yeah, I'm just curious about how he's gonna tell Bianca" he chuckled. "She's so sweet and a pushover kind of way" he shook his head, "They're gonna run right over her"

"Oh, Bianca has her limits"

"Really?" he asked surprised.

"Yeah, she's like that one friend everyone has that's usually nice and sweet to everyone, but when they're angry its just...scary" I shrugged, "I've seen that a few times, but you know you have to really push her to that point"

"They're gonna go a thousand miles pass that limit, I can see it now"

When we pulled up to the park, Craig parked somewhere close to the exit so we wouldn't have problems getting out. We looked up and saw Jacob and Bianca sitting on a big blanket, playing with their baby. Probably waiting on us. Bianca looked up and saw us and waved.

I picked up Feryn's seat, pulled her sun visor over her body so the sun wouldn't bother her and went over by them while Craig got the snacks out the back seat.

Jacob bowed at our approach "Good morrow Lady Crippen; baby Crippen" Jacob greeted us in an old fashion. I giggled and set Feryn down so I could play along by curtsying, "Sir Perez, baby Perez, Lady Perez" I sat down next to Bianca and put Feryn in front of me, "So I hear Jacob's cousins are coming over in a few days, huh?"

She looked at Jacob with a confused expression, then back at me, "I didn't know about any cousins, why didn't you tell me?"

"See uh" he said, trying to get himself together, "They're a bit of a handful" Bianca curved her mouth to the right , "And you aren't?"

"Oh no, they're way worse than I am, trust me on this" Craig came and sat down next to Jacob, "So what's up?" he asked all late. "I told Bianca about Jacob's terrible cousins coming over in a few days" I said cheerfully.

"I don't believe they're that bad, come on" Bianca went through the bag for a bottle of water.

Jacob and Craig looked at each other and laughed. Craig struggled to put on a straight face, "Let me tell you the main things you should get ready for. The tall one likes to-"

"No, don't tell her" Jacob interrupted him, "She thinks it can't get any worse than me then we'll let her see for herself..If Bianca can handle me, she can handle my cousins, right Bee?" he challenged.

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