Mr. and Mrs. Perez

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Guys, I decided to stop being a lazy nigga and make some changes. No, not the Characters but I've added houses! I know you're probably like, "But they already live in houses" NO. This time you can see what they look like! :D I'll put the Polyvore LINKS in the comment area. It'd be better if you look before you read. Also, I'm posting a picture of Christian and Craig's baby soon. As for Bianca and Jacob, just look at baby Princeton and imagine him with Dimples. Thank you for your time.


Bianca's POV.

"Bianca, just go to sleep, he'll call in the morning"

"No, I don't know what happened! I don't know how long he's gonna be in there, Karma think about the shit!"

"Alright calm down"

"I'm sorry, but I'm just mad that he probably did something so stupid, knowing he has a family at home"

"If you need help with Kaige-"

"I don't need help, but I do want my baby to grow up with his dad instead of wondering where he is all the time" I said, "Do you know how it feels to have your child ask you where daddy is and you can't tell them that's he's rotting in jail?"


"Well, neither have I and I don't want to"

"Bianca, please... It's three in the morning"

"You obviously don't know me... If something is worrying me, I can't function correctly until I'm sure that everything is fine"

I put Kaige in his crib after I fed him and he instantly fell asleep. I turned on his baby monitor and went downstairs for Cereal.

As soon as I finished fixing it, the house phone rang and I knocked over the bowl and nearly trampled Karma trying to get to it, "Hello?" I answered out of breath

"B? Why do you sound tired?" It was Jacob "Come bail me out, I have the money in that box I told you not to touch"

"You just don't know how happy I am to hear your voice! Tell me what happened when I pick you up"

"Alright, just hurry because the place is downtown and it takes only thirty minutes to get here okay?" he said, "They shut the place down at five, you have two hours, don't fuck around you got me?"

"I know, I know!" I hung up and zoomed upstairs to get put on some clothes and put Kaige in his car seat.

When I got ready, I went down stairs and gestured my hand for Karma to come with me.


We got to the police station and I went to the man behind the counter, "I'm here to pick up Jacob Perez"

"Bail is five hundred thousand"

I looked at Karma and she looked at me, "Well did you count up the money on the way here?" I asked.

"I was supposed to--"

"KARMAAAA!" I whined

"Alright, Alright B, I'll go get the money and count it, just be cool"

"Karmaaaa" I whined in a more calm tone. "Hurry, I need to know if he's fine" I watched her go to the car.

About fifteen minutes later she came back with the money, "This is the five hundred thousand, please let him out now before she drives me insane"

I stayed up front and let Bianca follow the man to go get Jacob.

Bianca's POV.

"Alright, follow me back here"

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