Take care

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Treys POV

The next morning I watched Bianca make breakfast for the three of us. I don't know if she does that on a regular across the street, but if she's making it a regular over here, I do not mind. I hate cooking and Ray always ends up burning something. "What are you making anyway?" I asked,

"Eggs, white chocolate chip pancakes, bacon grits--"

"Bacon grits?"

"Yeah! It's just cheese, butter, salt and bits of bacon in grits. Kaige loves it"

"You are amazing, you know that?"

"How? It's just breakfast"

"No, as a person. If any other girl stayed here she wouldn't have made shit. Well except for Karma. And you actually clean up around here, I've never seen this place so clean. How do you do it?"

"I'm so used to doing it over there, it's almost like a habit"

"...Jacob is crazy. Why would he push you away?"

"Repeat the first three words"

"Well I'm not gonna sit here and deny it"

"You know, I never asked why he is the way he is. Like what turns his light on?"


"Not like that"

"No... It's you"

"How do you know?"

"You're gorgeous. You're everything a man can want in one body. The way you talk, how you wear your hair, you smell amazing, you're a great listener, and your personality is charming... He's not exactly that crazy. He's just afraid to lose you to someone else. When he told me about that Erin girl, he didnt know what to do. He was prepared if it were another guy, but he can't physically hurt Erin so he took it the hard way. He wasnt trying to push you away, he was just confused"

"... Wow, really?"

"Yes. Just talk to him. We both know he's not gonna talk first. It's a pride thing"

"So just chase him and give him what he wants..."

"I know it looks bad, but trust me its the only way to get you two back together... and get Tori out of the house"

"How do you know about Tori?"

"I saw her go over there.. And I know what happened between you two"

"How do you know?"

"I know a lot of things, just know that I'm on your side completely"

"Wow, thanks"

"Just out of curiosity how did it happen?"

"Some things are better off unexplained"

"I understand"

"Thank you" She grabbed her purse and came over and kissed me on the cheek before she left, "Thank you for being so nice to me during this catastrophe that's going on right now. I needed that kind of excitement"

"Anything for a friend. Well, go over there and talk to him. I hope everything turns out for the best"

"Me too" she started toward the door then stopped and looked at me, "And you go talk to Karma"

"Let's focus on your problems, okay?"

"If I come back, you're talking to her"

"Yeah, yeah now leave"


Bianca's POV

I went across the street and knocked on the door. "What's the worse that could happen?" I asked myself, "No matter what happens, you stay until everything is fixed" I mumbled to myself. He answered the door and let me in. "Hi" I said.

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