Developed Feelings [Part 2]

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Art: @yeetoldy on twt
Note: This is part 2 of the previous story :) hope you guys like the story so far!! This chapter is a bit inspired by the anime movie 'I want to eat your pancreas'

[Xiao POV]

Venti and I have been playing a never ending UNO game. I never brought anyone over to my house before so this was my first time. I like it!

"Venti, let us play monopoly" he did not said anything so I assumed it was a yes. I stood up from the floor. Before I could walk to the shelf he grab my sleeve ends.

"Actually.. nevermind" he let go my sleeve ends and pouted in sadness. What is it Venti?

I walked to the shelf to take the monopoly set to play monopoly with Venti. Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to see Venti going in for a hug.

"Xiao..." What am I suppose to do. Do I hug him? He looked up at looked at my lips his lips slowly got closer to mine. My heart never beat this fast. This feeling, It was so overwhelming.

"Just kidding hehe. You thought I was going to kiss you?" He placed his finger on my lip. He took the monopoly box and walked to my bed and sat there. He started to sort out the pieces to start the game.

I was still in shock. The anger in me started to build up more and more as I think about it. How dare he, how dare he. I did not think before I act so I started to become more aggressive. I ran to him, push him back so that he's laying down on his back and pinned his hands onto the bed.

"X-xiao?" he stuttered in fear.

"shut" my darker side slowly came out of me. Little did he know because of my darker side, was the reason why I am always alone. I do not want people to see it. I do not want people to be afraid of me. I do not want people to feel uncomfortable around me. But Venti was the first one who did not feel afraid or uncomfortable around me. I am of course happy about that. But thinking back, I thought he would not want to be friends with me again after this. Deep inside I felt devastated. Venti I'm sorry...

It started raining. The rain started to get heavier as I think. I was still on top of him.

"Xiao.." he started to sob in fear.

"Xiao I'm scared.." after he started to bawl I realised what I did. Oh no.. I let go of his hands and started to distance myself from him. He stood up and left the room.

"V-Venti!" I tried to catch him but he left before I could start running to him. What have I done. I realised it was raining and thought what if he was out in the rain? I took an umbrella and ran out of my room.

"Xiao what happened to Venti?"

"No time for that. Where did he go?"

"I think he left the hou-"

"Thank you Sophie, I'll be right back!"

"But is raining"

"Is fine Sophie I got an umbrella!!"

I ran out of the house and as soon as possible.

[Venti POV]

Xiao. Xiao. Xiao. My forehead started to hurt from bawling. I sat down outside the gate seeing a girl, using our school uniform outside standing. The girl stared at me in disgust.

"Why are you in Xiao house?" the girl asked. I ignored her. I sat down and curled into a ball.

"oh so you're Venti?!" the girl said. Her toned changed. She sounded more mean and scary. She lift my face up and and pull my collar.

"Venti, because of you're dumb ass made Xiao left me" Is this his ex gf? She then slapped me and started to say mean things to my face. All sort of word came out from his mouth such as 'go kill yourself' or 'is all your fault' Shut up Shut up Shut up Shut up. 2 minute later Xiao found me getting beaten up by her.

"v-venti!" he ran towards me and dropped his umbrella.

"What the fuck did you do to him"

"AH, is none other then Xiao" she said. Xiao looked at my half conscious beaten up face. He slapped her out of anger.

[Xiao POV]

"Xiao don't.." I heard Venti timid voice. I sighed as I calm myself down.

I gave her a death stare.

"You only loved me for my money" I said. A few seconds later she chuckled

"pft HAHAHAH" she squat infront of me and grabbed my face.

"hehe.. of course I did. No one is going to love you if it's not for your money. You're pathetic. Even your parents left you and leave you with your nanny. I used you, I made you my slave. Took you so long to fight back huh?" she said in such a manipulative manner. My eyes widened in terror.

"Venti? You think you can get him to love you with your violent attitude?" she smirked as she stare at me. She stood up and gave me a pat on my head.

"Calm down I'm not going to kill Venti or something" she said as she walks away from us.

"V-venti, are you okay?" he did not respond. he fell into ny arms and he fell asleep. Took the umbrella and sheltered him as I stroke his hair.

"I'm sorry Venti, I could not control my feelings back there. Actually... nevermind" I cannot believe I am doing this right now. I feel lame. I carried Venti on my arms and put the umbrella on my shoulder so rain won't hit Venti.

Sophie was already ready with a towel for both me and Venti. I gave Venti to Sophie so she can take care of him.


I took a shower and once I was done, I left the shower and the first thing I saw was Venti shirtless.

"V-venti!!" I screamed

"pffttt hahahahahahahah" I looked up seeing Venti smiling. He's smiling again!

"Aa Venti stop playing around, go shower before you get sick" Sophie said as she walks in to check up on us. Venti went to shower as I go to my room and use my phone.


What the heck is taking him so long is already 10pm he should be going back home by now. I stood up and walked out the room and the first thing I saw was Venti with a towel on his head. I took the towel and dried his hair for him. While I was drying him I saw the bruises on his arm and cheek. I narrowed my eyebrows when seeing it. He was also wearing my clothes.

"Venti.. does it hurt?" I asked as I stroke his cheek.

"Nope! I'm used to it" huh. you cannot be used to these things.

"Venti.. you can stay here for the night of you want, is late now. I'm going to sleep on the couch, you can sleep on my bed since you need some rest and heal your bruises" Venti grin as he tilted his head.

"Thank you, for taking care of me. I appreciate it"

Sophie off the light of the room. We both went to bed.

"Venti..?" a few seconds of silence until I heard snoring from him.

"Goodnight, Venti.." I said before doze off.


Note: LMAO uh anyways someone give suggestions who should the girl be from Genshin. Everyone in Genshin seems kind PLS. So yes pls give me some recommendations. And also this was suppose to be posted yesterday but I changed the chap a bit cuz like why not and yesterday I was busy with school etc.

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