His person

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Bucky Barnes was an interesting human being. He was cold and distant from the other Avengers. It was rare to hear him utter words that weren't directed at Steve or Sam. However, recently he had taking a liking to me of all people.

It all started one night when we both ended up in the kitchen. I was fixing a midnight snack while he was trying to recover from a nightmare. We sat in awkward silence for a while until I offered him a grape. He smiled lightly and took it. We then discussed recent missions and somewhat got to know each other better.

Since then Bucky and I had spent a lot of time together. He asked if he could sparr with me and I agreed. At first I was nervous because I was still somewhat new and he was highly skilled and obviously very strong. He gave me some helpful advice and even taught me how to handle a knife. We were throwing them at targets until he sighed. "What's up?" I asked ready to throw another one.

"First rule of knife throwing. Know how to hold it." He said moving behind me. He took my hand and readjusted my fingers to grip the knife correctly. "Hold it like this and it will fly faster and go in deeper." I nodded and threw the weapon. To my surprise it did just as he said it would. I looked over at him and he had a slight smile to his face.

The more I practiced the better I got. Soon enough I was throwing several at a time. All making it in the dead center. "Look at you go." He said pulling them out of the target. "I learned from the best." I said. He smiled and we made our way back to our floor.

Over the next couple of days Bucky and I spent more time together. However, this was only when we were alone. If Steve or anyone else was around he acted cold and distant like he had before. It was frustrating but there again I could understand. The idea of the winter soldier showing emotions and taking interest in someone was unimaginable.

One night everyone had agreed to watch a movie to relax from the recent missions. They felt as if they were back to back. When everyone was seated Tony picked the movie and started it. The lights dimmed and the movie began to play.

Shortly into the movie I felt bucky rest his hand on my thigh. It surprised me at first but I let it go. On the outside it looked like it didn't bother but on the inside it felt as if a million butterflies had awoken in my stomach. I could feel my cheeks turning red. Bucky had a straight face as he kept his glance on the movie.

As the movie continued I was all a sudden placed into Bucky's lap. My back was pressed up against his back and his arms were wrapped around my waist. He kept a strong grip on me as if I planned on escaping, which I didn't. My blush immediately worsened and I attempted to hide my face with my hair. Everyone's gaze was still on the movie other than Steve's. He shot a small smirk. I just shook my head.

Out of nowhere Sam had for some reason felt it was necessary to announce to the whole room that he had tragically ran out of popcorn. I rolled my eyes and volunteered to get him more. When I went to get up Bucky's grip got tighter. "I'll be back." I said trying to unlatch his fingers with my hands. He sighed and let me go.

Bucky's p.o.v
As y/n went to the kitchen everyone's eyes shifted to me. "What?" I asked. "Don't what us loverboy." Natasha said from across the room. "How long has this been going on?" She asked. "We're just friends." I said honestly. "I don't think "friends" pull each other into their laps and wrap their arms around them during a movie, Buck." Sam said. I just rolled my eyes.

I mean sure, I have a little crush on her but it's nothing major. She just happens to be the one who understands me, doesn't judge me, isn't scared of me, is willing to help me through my nightmares, and puts a smile on my face anytime I see her. Yeah, it's nothing major.

Your p.o.v
I came back into the living room and handed Sam his popcorn. I then sat back on Bucky's lap and he immediately wrapped his arms back around me. I repositioned myself to where my legs were dangling off of his so I could rest my head on his chest. I pulled the blanket up over me and continued watching the movie.

I'm not sure what it was but being with Bucky made my happy. He made me smile and made nervous. He could walk into a room and light it up. We're best friends, but I wish we were more. But he wouldn't be with someone like me. My powers weren't the strongest, my combat skills weren't the greatest, and I wasn't as pretty as Nat or Wanda. I looked up at him and he looked back. I smiled at him and he returned one. He lightly kissed my forehead and that ended me. I hid my face in his neck and tried to calm my blush.

At some point I felt myself drifting off. Before I had the chance to fully fall asleep I felt Bucky pick me up and carry me to my room. He laid me down gently, tucked me in, and kissed my forehead once more. "Sleep well, doll." He said lightly. "Night Buck." I said half asleep.

Not my best first chapter but I hoped you liked it.

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