he's different

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He sat across from me on the jet. He wouldn't come willingly so we had to make him. His eyes were trained on the floor. His long dark hair covered most of his face. His metal arm glistened in the low light. He knew I was staring, but he wouldn't look at me.

"Ten minutes until we land." Steve said from the cockpit. I looked over at Natasha. She was fast asleep and would have a neck ache when she woke up. I looked back over the winter soldier. His eyes were now on me. The look on his face was serious, concentrated. A look that was carved into my brain now due to it being his face the whole I've been around him.

When we landed Nat woke up and stretched. The solider was quick to leave the aircraft and Steve was right behind him. Fury and Hill met us in the building. "Ah, the infamous Winter Soldier." Fury said with a smirk on his face. The solider kept a straight face. His eyes glaring into Fury's. "Why am I here?" Those four words are the most I've ever heard him utter.

"You're here because you are a danger." Hill said. "I thought we established that already?" He said. For some reason hearing those words made me hurt. Steve has told me stories of him and the solider from back during their childhood and before they both went off to war. He sounded like such a good, kind hearted person.

Steve showed him around the compound while the rest of us went our separate ways. I went to my room with head full of thoughts about the soldier. 'Was he really a danger?' sure, he caused several people harm in the past fifty years but that was The Winter Soldier. That wasn't the Bucky Barnes I've heard so many stories about.

"Miss Y/l/n. Director Fury has requested the presence of you, Mr. Rodgers, and Miss. Romanoff in his office immediately." Jarvis said over the intercom of my room. "Right away Jarvis, please alert them I'll be a few minutes late." I said. "Of course."

When I arrived to the meeting everyone was seated. "Where's- The Winter Solider has been placed in solitary confinement similar to how we took care of Loki." Fury said cutting me off. "You know he has a name, right?" I said. "That's irrelevant. Now as I was saying. You will have supervising shifts of The Winter Soldier. While he can't break out doesn't mean he won't try. Y/l/n, the Rodgers, then Romanoff. Understand?" We all nodded and were excused.

As I was walking I heard heels clicking behind me. Natasha grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "what was that back there?" She asked. I shrugged. "Look, I don't know what's going on up there but it needs to stop. He's hydra in human form." She said pointing to my head and then down the hall where Bucky was locked up at.

"He's been brainwashed and trained to kill." I said correcting her. "Exactly." I just sighed and walked faster. Losing Natasha.

I looked the time. I had to go and "supervise" Bucky. I walked in and his eyes immediately fell on me. I stood infront of the glass windows that kept him from me. I smiled at him, but he just stared at me straight faced. "I'm Y/n." I said. "Bucky." He responded. 'good we're getting somewhere' I thought to myself. More small talk was made until it was Steve's turn.

After a few weeks Bucky and I became close. The whole time I was with him we talked about his past and mine, we talked about Steve and how he remembers him more now that they talk about things when it's his turn with him.

I walked in and he was staring at the floor. "Bucky?" I asked calmly. He looked up and me and my heart broke. His eyes were bloodshot and filled with tears. His face was red and his shirt was on the floor. The scar where the metal arm met his torso was also red and agitated. Like he had tried to claw it off. Shock was written all over my face. I couldn't take it. I entered in my pin and I opened the cell and shut the door behind me.

I sat in front of him and wrapped my whole body around him tightly. He did the same and rested his head on my shoulder. "I'm a monster." He said barely audible. I looked at him and shook my head. "No. You're not." I said lightly. "I am y/n. I've murdered countless people. I tried hurting you and Natasha and I most killed Steve. How does that not make me a monster?" He was shouting.

"That wasn't your fault. Hydra made you do all of that. You didn't have a choice." I said. "Maybe. But I did it." My heart was breaking. Both of ours were for different reasons. He was hurting because of his past and I was hurting because of how he sees himself.

"Why are you not scared of me?" He asked. "Because I know who you truly are. You are not The Winter Solider. You are James Buchanan Barnes. You are my friend. You're different than what everyone says you are. You are not to be feared. You deserve to be loved." I said through tears. "And I will tell you that everyday until you believe me." I wiped away some tears and hugged him again.

"I think I love you y/n." He said lightly kissing my hand. "And I think I love you too Bucky."

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