you're the one for me

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Bucky's p.o.v
I looked at the clock for the hundredth that night. Y/n was supposed to be home from her date any minute now. She'd been seeing this guy for months now. She never really talks about him and they only see each other once a week.

Eventually she came up the elevator. Only she had tears in her eyes and her hands and neck were bright red. Thanks to hydra her body can make heat and whoever and whatever she touches. She only ever gets extremely hot when her emotions aren't in check. Like right now.

I sprang up and took her hands in mine. It burned like hell but I didn't mind. I have plenty of scars on my hands and arms from her, but I never care. I'd have my whole body covered in scars if it meant I could be with her.

"What happened?" I asked her, moving some hair behind her ear. She shook her head and pulled us to her room where we sat in silence. Waiting for her to tell me what happened.

We looked at each other for a while before she leaned closer to my lips. I sighed and captured them together in a kiss. At first it started out slow and loving, there was a slight burn, but I ignored it. That is until her hunger started to build and her hand slid under my shirt, it felt as if someone placed an oven rack on my chest. I pulled away and and held her arms to her sides which would leave burns tomorrow. "Buck!" She let out a pathetic whine. "No." I said firmly.

"Bucky please." She tried going in for another kiss but I stopped her. "No. You're heart is in a very vulnerable and confused state right now, and it needs time to heal." I said. She looked at me with tears threatening to spill. "Will you please fix it?" She was braking my heart. "You need to let it heal on its own and decide what you want.

Her voice cracked and a tear slipped down her cheek. "I want you." She said resting her forehead on my chest. I sighed and pulled her into a hug. After a few minutes I let her go but she immediately wrapped her arms back around me. "Y/n.." I said with a warning tone. "Please just stay until I fall asleep." I sighed, but complied.

I stayed with her until I knew she was dead asleep and her body had reached its normal temperature. I got up and went back to my room. Her heart has been shattered and rebuilt so many times. She never thinks anyone truly loves her, and she expects this, but it hurts her every time. Leaving me to clean up the bloody shards and try to put them back together again.

I've loved y/n since I met her. I don't know what it was, but there was something about her that drew me to her. I've been her best friend, her advice giver, her person who listens to her venting, and her shoulder to cry on. Out of all of us, she trusts me the most. I sighed and tried to get some sleep.

The next morning I got up and went down to the gym. When I got down there y/n was punching the life out of a punching bag. She stopped for a minute and stared at her hands. "Releasing some anger?" I asked. "You could say that." She said not looking at me. I walked up to her and unwrapped her hands. They were scabbed and bleeding. They were warm, but not as hot as they are when she's mad.

I cleaned her hands up and placed gentle kisses on them. Something I always did because it put a smile on her face. Only this time it didn't. "Do you want to talk about last night?" I asked. She thought about it for a minute before she took my hand in hers and walked us back to her room.

When we got her room she sat on her bed and held her arms out. I grabbed her and pulled her into me. It was comfortable silence. She pulled away and sighed. "We broke up because he thought I was cheating on him with you." She said. "He knew how close we were and he got tired of always hearing about you and he said that he was just a distraction and that he wasn't going to put himself through that anymore." She said.

"So you came to me crying and decided to kiss me and put your hand up my shirt?" She looked away. "You're the one that kissed back." She mumbled.

"Was he right?" I asked. "About what?" She asked looking at me. "That he was just a distraction from me?" I asked. She looked away again and didn't say anything. "Y/n?"

"Yes! Alright! Fine! He was a distraction! A four month distraction from you because I couldn't bring myself to tell you my true feelings because I'm not good enough for you!" She was glowing from all the heat. "How do you really feel?" I asked taking her hand in mine. She looked at them and cringed.
"Why do you do this to yourself? And why not use the one that can't get injured? This is what I mean, Bucky. All I do is literally hurt you, the team, everyone. I'm the one parents tell their children about to scare them. I'm the monster who will melt people if they don't listen."

The tears coming out of her eyes evaporated as soon as they hit her cheeks. My hand hurt like hell, but it didn't matter. "That's not true. You aren't a monster. You're amazing. I've loved you since I met you, and before you say it, I don't take pity on you. You're my best friend and there's a reason for that. People are scared to touch you because they don't want to get burned. I touch you because you deserve it. I'm not scared if you, and I don't care how many burns you give me, because I'd take all of them just to be with you. I love you, y/n. I always have and I always will."

I hugged her tight as she tried pulling me off. "I'm gonna hurt you." "I don't care." She finally gave in and wrapped her arms around my neck. She finally cooled down to her normal temperature and looked at the burns addressing my neck and hand. "I'm sorry." She said. "Don't be." "Do you mean it?" Mean what?" "That you love me?" "Of course. Did you mean what you said and did last night?" "Every word."

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