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"I'd really appreciate it if you went slowly Buck." I groaned as Bucky ran down the hallway. Carrying me bridal style. "Would you rather me walk you to Medical?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes. I would. I'm kinda bleeding from my side Barnes. You running is not very comfortable." I said wincing in pain.

We were on a mission and the guy just randomly decided to stab me in the side. Tony found me and flew me back to others. Everyone was freaking out of course but Bucky was the most worried. Immediately taking me from tony and getting us back to the tower.

When we got to Medical we were met with nurses. "What's the damage?" One asked. "Stab wound to the left hand side." Bucky said sitting me on a table. I winced a little as he set me down. The nurse pulled my shirt up and immediately put it back down. "She'll need stitches." They said. We nodded and they went to get the stuff.

We sat there in silence until Bucky spoke up. "You had me scared back there, doll." I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach bit on the outside I just smiled. "I knew what I was doing. He just caught me at a point of weakness." I shrugged but immediately whined in pain. His faced quickly became worried. "I'm okay." I said trying to reassure him. "You don't sound fine." He said.

The nurse then came back with the stuff for stitches. "Can you hold her shirt up, please?" They asked Bucky. He nodded and lifted my shirt high enough so they could do the stitches. His cold hands felt nice on my skin. Here I am wounded and losing it at my best friends hands on my waist.

Soon enough the stitches were done. "Take it easy for at least two weeks. Try not to put pressure on your side and be careful while bathing. I recommend standing or sitting straight up. I'll tell Steve and/or Tony to keep you off missions until you're fully healed. Take some pain meds if needed." I nodded and thanked them as we walked out.

When we got back to the living area everyone rushed up to me. "How are you?" "Does it still hurt?" "Did you get stitches?" "How long are you off missions for?" Everyone was asking questions and it honestly made my head spin. "It hurts. Yes I got stitches, and I have to take it easy for at least two weeks." They all nodded and wished me fast healing.

I went to mine and Bucky's floor. Before I reached my room I heard bucky calling after me I turned around and he smiled at me. "Want some company?" He asked. "I'd like that." I said opening my door. He followed me in and shut the door. I tried to lay down but cried out in pain instead. I was already annoyed with how much this hurt.

"Slow down there doll." He said smiling at me. I just glared at him. "Can I get you anything?" He asked. "Pain meds please. There should be some in my bathroom cabinet." He nodded going in there. He came back with two. He handed them to me and I took them dry. I saw him grimace. "What?" I asked. "nothing. It just still weirds me out." I laughed a little. We stood there for a minute until he walked toward the door. "Where are you going?" I asked. I didn't really want him to leave.

"I'll be right back." He said leaving the door open. I sat on my bed gently and waited for him. When he came back he was dressed in comfier clothes and had one of his shirts. He handed it to me and I looked at him oddly. "I figured you'd want to put something comfier on." He said. "How am I supposed to change when I can barely raise my arms?" I asked.

"I could help." He said. I blushed lightly while he held a straight face. "Or I could ask Natasha or Wanda if you're unco-no that's fine!" I said rather loud and quick. He smirked a little and it just made my blush worse. He put his shirt over his shoulder and put is hands on the hem of my shirt. "Bra?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Obviously James." I said. "Hey, I was just asking. Some girls prefer not to." He said.

"Okay. Take your right hand out of your sleeve. I did as directed. He then took that end of the shirt and pulled it off the other side gently. He quickly put his shirt over me. I put my right hand through first and he gently helped me get my left arm through. "I'll let one of the girls help with your jeans." He said going to get one of them. I sighed and smiled and blushed.

My crush basically saw me half naked and didn't even act phased besides a small blush. I felt bad for thinking kike this but I've liked him for a while now. I just never said anything because I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

Suddenly the door opened. My head shit in that direction expecting Bucky but was met with Nat. "Hey there wounded." She said. I fake laughed at her. " You should have seen him trying to explain what was up." Nat said smiling. I laughed a little. "What did he say?" I asked. "Hey, Natasha. Umm...well...uhh... You know y/N's hurt and she can't umm.... Change.... By herself... I helped with her too half but I'm sure she'd feel more...um... comfortable if you or wanda did her...um...jeans." Nat said scratching the back of neck and avoiding eye contact. Re-inacting the way Bucky must have asked her to come help me. I couldn't help but laugh.

Nat helped me change into some shorts. "I swear you guys need to date already." She said. "Nat, you know how I feel about that." I said. "Oh come on y/n! You guys literally make each other so happy. The only time he smiles is when he's with you or if he's talking about you. He lets you win when you guys sparr for Gods sake!" She exclaimed. "He's just being nice." I said. She rolled her eyes. "Oh, okay."

A knock then came from the door. "Is it okay if I come in?" It was bucky. "Yeah." Nat said. He opened the door and his eyes immediately landed on me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "I'll leave you two be." She said walking out. Bucky and I looked at each other before I attempted hold my arms out for a hug. He got the message and wrapped me in his arms. Being wary of my side.

I rested my head on his chest. I could feel his dog tags against my temple. His metal hand moved to my stitched up side. The cool metal felt nice on my side. "This okay?" He asked. I nodded. I then released myself from his hold and tugged on his arm to pull him to my bed. "You sure?" He asked. I nodded. He got in and I followed. I laid against his chest and his hands rested on my sides. I pulled the covers up and attempted to get comfy. Sleeping sitting up was gonna be hard.

Bucky then slowly slid down with me until we were laying down. Me on top of him. If I wasn't in so much pain I would be blushing like crazy. He lightly kissed my forehead. I hid my face in his neck smiling. "Try to get some sleep doll." He said messing with my hair. I nodded and yawned. I rested my head against his chest. His metal hand rested on my side while his other hand lightly ran up and down my back. Light kisses were on neck. He was being awfully confident.

"How about when you heal I take you out?" He said in my ear. "I'd like that." I said blushing. He smiled. "Well, two weeks from now be ready at six." He said. I nodded and yawned. "It's a date." I said. "Good to hear." He said wrapping his arms around me.

Long and not the best. I'm trying. I hope you guys enjoyed.

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