confronted (smut)

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Warning: daddy kink is mentioned. Don't lose your head over it. Just don't read it if you don't want to.

There was no denying that Bucky was one of the most attractive members on the team. Sure, there is the Asgardian God and America's golden boy, but no. I fancied the winter soldier a little more.

No one but the girls, and somehow Tony knew. The girls knew because of our frequent girls nights and relationship questions, and Tony just straight up asked one day.

But other than them, no one knew of my crush on Bucky. Everyone just considered us best friends who spent a lot of time together.

Today was another training day. Natasha had me in the ring sparring with her. I took one second to look over her shoulder to see Bucky and Steve lifting weights. Not only were his muscles and abs on display, so were the veins in his arms and biceps. I didn't realize I was staring until Natasha had me laid out.

"You know, for someone who's not trying to make it obvious. You make it pretty obvious." She said climbing out of the ring. I sighed and joined her at the lockers. "If you're gonna get distracted by them lifting weights how do you expect to be able to go in missions with him?" She asked taking a drink of her water. I shrugged and looked over at the ring.

Steve and Bucky were circling each other. Steve then went for a punch, only for it to be caught by Bucky's metal hand. I mentally groaned and took a larger drink if water then I meant to which lead to a coughing fit.

The guys looked over at us concerned. "You alright, doll?" Bucky asked with Steve's throat still in his hand. That just made everything worse. I gave him a thumbs up while still hacking a lung up. "I think it's time for us to go." Nat said pulling me out of the gym. I gave one last glance before the door shut.

"You've got to learn to control yourself!" Nat said throwing her stuff on her bed. I sat in her vanity chair sulking about how much of a fool I just made of myself. "I can't help it Nat! When he looks like that! How could I possibly control myself? How did you not lose your mind when he was training you?" I asked.

"When he trained me I was in my early twenties and new my graduation ceremony was close. And he was the winter solider when he trained us. He wasn't Bucky. My sister had a crush on him though." She said with a faint smile.

It was silent for a minute before Nat spoke again. "You know the whole throat thing had you going." She said smirking. I groaned and hid my face. "Tell anyone and I murder you." I said somewhat serious. "Good luck with that."

Dinner came and we were all seated having a nice team dinner. That is until Bucky decided to nonchalantly place a hand on my thigh. I thought nothing of it until he started running his hand up and down it and squeezing lightly which made me almost drop my utensil. He just smirked and continued on.

After dinner I cleaned up the dishes and everything. Suddenly I felt two hands on my waist. I immediately tensed up but continued what I was doing. "I thought it was Tony's day for dishes." He whispered into my ear and made me shudder. "Well, you know, he's got stuff to work on in the lab." I said lightly.

He kept his mouth close to my ear and gently bit my earlobe which made me gasp and grip the edge of the sink. "Easy there doll." He said in my ear. This was not the time or the place. Before he could do anything else I heard Nat calling my name. I quickly got out of his grasp. "Well, duty calls! See ya Buck!" I said practically running out of the kitchen.

We got to Wandas room and we all say on her bed. "What was going on out there?" Nat asked. "I don't know! One second I'm doing dishes and the next I'm being seduced by Bucky!" I was freaking out. Scared get excited. What did he do?" Wanda asked.

"Oh well, you know, just put his hands on my waist, and whispered in my ear and fucking bit my ear!" I exclaimed. They both just smirked. I zoned out for a minute, tightly clutching my pillow before I felt someone in my head. I immediately snapped out of it and held Wandas wrist in my hand. Trust me, you don't want to see more." I said. "Oh, I've seen enough. I never took you for an arm veins girl." "Shut up, Wanda!" I said releasing her arm.

This little "game" of Bucky's continued for the next several days. Anytime it was just us, or no one was in eye shot, he took his chance. Teasing me or grabbing me somehow. Tonight was a movie night. Mostly everyone was in the living area of the complex. Bucky and I had one couch to ourselves while everyone else was spread out. A blanket covered us as he moved me to his lap.

At first I was just my usual blushing self until he started lightly bouncing his leg. I gave him a pleading look but he just smirked and moved me to one leg. I hid my face in his neck as he started moving his leg faster. I let out a quiet whimper and lightly started moving against him. I faint groan left his lips which was honestly hot. "There you go doll. Get yourself off on me." He whispered in my ear. I shivered and movies the blanket up to make it look like I was cold and hid my face again, biting my lip.

His arm wrapped around my waist to keep me close to him. I grabbed at his shoulder to let him know that I was close. "She asleep?" Sam asked from the other side of the room. "Yeah. I'm about to take her to her room." As soon as he finished his sentence I was done for. "Good girl." He said barely audible.

A few moments letter he picked me up and carried me to my room. He sat me down on my bed and immediately attacked my lips, which I did as well. He but my lower lip and I slightly moaned. "I love how you act all innocent, when I know you're not." He said nibbling at my neck. "All that staring you do. Practically begging me to choke you when I spar with Steve." He said placing his metal arm on my neck, which made my eyes roll back with pleasure.

"My naughty little girl. Loving my hand on her throat." I whimpered lightly and looked at him. "that look right there. Just begging to be dominated. But not by anyone, right? You want me to dominate you. Put you in your place. Ravish you." I moaned loudly and went to tug at his shirt but he caught my wrists in his hand which made me moan again.

"Oh look at that. My doll likes being restrained. No wonder she loves sparring." He released my wrists and removed my shirt and my jeans. "You're dripping and I've barely touched you. You've wanted this for a while, haven't you?" His smirk sent chills down my spine. I nodded, but he clearly wanted words. He slapped my thigh which made me jump. "If I'm counting correctly that's three kinks you've exposed so far, right?" I was already losing my breathe. "Th-three?" I asked. "I've only exposed two." "Oh doll, you didn't have to tell me you had a daddy kink. I could tell by your body language. You're such a sub."

With each works he got closer to my heat. He looked at me and licked me through my underwear. I flinched and tried to close my legs but he caught them. "C'mon doll. You know what to say." I whined pushed myself closer to him but he just pulled away. "Daddy please, please play with me." I said opening my legs wider. "Since you asked so nicely." He said basically ripping my underwear off.

He attacked my heat harshly. Sending my head back and my eyes rolling. I grasped onto my pillows. I wiggled against him which sent him in deeper. I swear I could feel him spelling his name on me. "B-Bucky! I-im..." "C'mon doll. Let go for me." And with that I let go all over his face. He rode me through my high. He pulled back licking his lips.

His eyes met mine. They were a darker shade of blue than normal. They looked more gorgeous than they ever had. I hadn't caught my breath before I felt the cold metal and is fingers on me. "Bucky!" I exclaimed. "You love it, doll. You love them around your throat, so why wouldn't you like them in you?" One soon two became three. He started out slow and then got quicker.

"You just love my arm, don't you doll?" He asked rubbing me. "Yes daddy." I replied. My throat hurt and I felt so sensitive, but I knew we weren't done yet. Bucky then withdrew his fingers which made me whine. "Oh, but don't you want something better?" He said already pressing into me. I whined a little at the pain that soon subsided. He was soon going at an animalistic speed. My eyes shut tight because of how good it felt. His hand then met my cheek. "Open your eyes doll. I was to see your beautiful eyes."

Soon enough I felt the knot in my stomach snap and once again felt my high. Bucky eased me out of it and pulled me to his chest. "I think that was some equally needed relief." He said kissing my neck.

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