real or not real

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It had been a busy week. Mission after mission followed by making sure everyone was alright mentally and physically. The responses differed from "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." To "I'll be okay."

When I reached Bucky near the end of the jet he looked to be in shock. I sat in front of him, but kept my distance. "Buck?" I called out. He didn't respond. I gently placed a hand to his knee which he flinched to and lifted his knees t his chest. He hid his face with his hair. I gave him a kind smile and returned to my seat. I sighed and looked over at him.

This mission had been a harder one for him. He still wasn't good with screams and cries or rapid fire coming from his own weapon. He had collapsed which led to Steve carrying him back to the quinjet.

When we got back to the tower we all dispersed. Bucky however, stood in the middle of the foyer. I placed a gentle hand on his back. This time he didn't flinch. He looked at me confused for a minute. "Y/n?" "Yeah it's me, Bucky."

We walked to his room. I went to go to my room, but he grabbed my arm. He gave me a pleading look and I just nodded. We entered his room and he removed his shoes. He was covered head to toe in dirt and blood. I ran a hand over his hair and he looked up at me. "You need to get cleaned up. He nodded and walked to his bathroom.

After a while I heard him softly call my name. I peaked my head in to see him lounging in the tub. I already knew what he wanted. I ran some water over his hair, lathered it and shampoo and massaged it into his hair. He leaned into the touch and seemed completely relaxed.

"Close your eyes, bub." I washed the shampoo out of his hair and lathered it in conditioner. Gently running my hands through his waves. As it set into his hair I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"You love me, real or not real?" He asked. "Real." I said placing a kiss to his cheek. "You're scared of me. Real or not real?" Tears appeared in his eyes. "Not real." "Tell me something." "You're a soldier, your favorite color is green, you sleep with the windows and door locked, you tell me you love me every day, you don't take creamer in your coffee."

By this time the conditioner was ready to come out. I washed it out and left him to change.

When he came out he immediately pulled me into bed and wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into him and cleared the tears that fell from his ocean blue eyes. I could only imagine what his brain is tormenting him with. He held onto me tighter and hid his face in my hair. I hugged him as tight as possible. "you won't leave. Real or not real?" "Real?"

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