come home (ddlg chapter)

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I woke up somewhat late and sighed. I fell asleep in daddy's room again last night. He's been gone a mission for almost a week now. He said he would be back by today, so hopefully he will be. "Friday?" I call out. "Yes, Miss y/n?" The robotic voice responds. "Is Bucky back yet?" I ask letting my legs dangle off the side of the bed. "Seargant Barnes and Captain Rogers are still away on their mission." I huff and thank her.

I went to his closet and searched for his red long sleeve. I wore it so much he always teased me about it really being my shirt. I found it and took it off the hanger, slipping it over myself. I felt something pointy on my neck. I grabbed it and it was a sticky note.

'In case you miss me too much.'

I smiled stuck it in my pocket. I made my way down to the kitchen to find something to eat. Everyone was down there and I almost ran back up to Daddy's room. They all know I'm a little, but only a few have seen me during this time. I made some cereal and perched myself next to Nat. "Sleep well?" She asked. I shrugged and ate.

As I ate I kept checking my phone to see if Daddy has text me back yet. I get that he's on a mission and he's busy and all that, but I just wanted to make sure he's okay. "He's supposed to come back today, right?" Nat asked. "That's what he said a few days ago." I said. "Well, you know these things may take longer than expected, right?" I nodded. "He said he would come back today though. And he always keeps his word." I said placing my bowl in the sink. Nat just sighed and walked away.

Everyone else went to do their own thing while I sat in front of the coffee table and drew a picture of me and Daddy. While I drew I felt someone sit beside me. I looked and saw Wanda. "What ya' drawing?" She asked. "Me and Daddy." I said simply. I showed it to her and she smiled. "He'll love it." She said. "You think so?" "I know so." She said booping my nose. 

Later on in the day I got bored. I knew it probably wasn't worth it, but I texted Daddy. I told him that I missed him and asked when he was coming home. I haven't gotten a response yet, though. I sighed and walked around the compound. It was already after hours so everyone had gone home. After getting bored of doing that I went back to my room since it was almost my bedtime. I sent Daddy a goodnight text and tried to go to sleep. 

After a few days Daddy still hadn't come home. I was starting to get worried. "Do you think he's okay?" I asked the team. "I'm sure he's fine, pipsqueak." Tony said ruffling my hair. I groaned and fixed my hair. "How come he's not back yet? How come he hasn't answered any of my texts?" I was fussing because I was scared and worried. I haven't heard from him since he left two weeks ago. 

Here I was again, on the couch, watching TV, worried that Daddy was hurt, or worse. I tried calling him, only to get his voicemail. I felt my eyes slightly well up with tears. "Hey, Daddy. I was just calling to make sure you're okay. I miss you, and I really want you to come home. I'm really worried about you. I love you." I ended the voicemail and let out a broken sob. I tucked my knees into my chest and let out my cries. During my fit, I barely heard the elevator ding. I looked up and my frown turned into a gigantic grin. 

"Hey, Doll."  I wiped my tears and frantically ran into his arms. I grabbed onto him tightly as did he. I cried into his shoulder and I heard quiet sniffles from him. I slightly pulled away and looked him. His eyes were full of tears like mine. His short hair was a mess and dirt and blood covered his face. "I missed you, Daddy." I said. "I missed you too, princess. I missed you so much." He said leaning in and capturing me in a passionate kiss. we pulled away and I smiled widely and blushed and he laughed a little. "Two years together and I can still make you blush." He said smiling at me. "Only you, Daddy." I said kissing him again. 

"I drew you some stuff." I said showing him. "I love them baby." He said kissing my temple. "You look tired, Daddy." I said. "I am tired. Let's go get some sleep, yeah?" I nodded and held his hand as we went to bed. He got in and I snuggled into him. Holding him tightly so he couldn't leave again. 

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