the other solider

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"Do we have eyes on her?" Steve asked through the comm. "Yeah. She's walking right towards me." Natasha said through her earpiece. "Wait, what do you mean she's walking right towards you?" Sam asked flying overhead. "I mean we made eye contact and she's willingly coming forward." Natasha said again.

Steve made his way to you and Sam landed on the ground. Standing in front of the trio was you. Hydras' second most dangerous assassin. You removed your mask and held your hands up. "Can we do this civil or am I getting a police escort?"

As they drove to the compound the assassin was calm. But your heart was racing. It's been a year since you've seen him. The last glance you got at him was heading into the building to fight Captain America. What came after that was a blur. A painful blur.

They arrived and walked into the compound. Agents and fellow avengers stood around. As soon as they made eye contact with you though, everything went silent. You scowled at them and walked ahead to the elevator. The captain, the man with wings, and the red haired woman followed.

They lead you into a holding room. You sat down and felt your legs and hands be restrained. "Is this really necessary?" You asked. "For now, yes." The captain said. You rolled your eyes. He was exactly how he described him. Full of himself and the authority in his words didn't match the authority in his stance.

"What do you know about Seargant Barnes?" Sam asked. "I don't know a Seargant Barnes. But I know a James." You said not making eye contact. "That's who we're talking about. What do you know?" The red head asked. "What I know is none of your business."

As you said that you heard yelling down the hall. A faint voice hadn't heard in a year. "Let me see her!" "James?" It was faint to your ears. You felt tears brim your vision. He looked through the window and his features changed from anger, to relief, and back to anger. His metal arm slammed against the door. Making everyone but you jump. Steve went out to wrangle the man. Bird Man and Red stayed with her.

"Are you sure it's only your business?" Bird Man said smirking. You glared at him and crossed your arms. "You were the one that came willingly. Why not talk?" Red asked. "How do I know you won't use your new information against me." You said.

They both sighed. "Look kid- I'm sure I'm the same age as you." Bird Man looked shocked. "Anyway. Bucky's been- James you mean?" "Dammit, stop interrupting." He shrieked. You smiled to yourself. "James has been having more nightmares. He sometimes goes all winter soldier when you least expect it. He's almost killed all of us. The only thing that calms him is when he says your name. At first he wouldn't talk about you but then he told us and gave a location. That's why you're here. We need your help." He looked desperate.

"I'll help, but I'm giving you the backstory." You said. "Fair enough." Red said. They released you and walked you down the hall. A door opened and their was James. He looked at you and his eyes welled with tears. You walked over and held your arms out. Immediately he was in her your hold. He picked you up off the ground. Keeping a tight hold on you.

"You're here." He said as if he was trying to convince himself. "I'm here." You said running your hands down his back and through his hair. The same length it was when you lost him. He hid his face in your neck. Taking in her scent. Something that calmed him.

You stayed in that position until you felt hands grab you. You both fought against it. Not wanting to be broken apart. "I'll come back." You said resting a hand on his cheek. His metal hand grabbed it, but you were soon pulled away. You both slept with tears staining their face.

It was weeks later. You had been recruited to join the avengers, but you knew you're only purpose was to help keep Bucky calm, and you were fine with that. You had begin to trust some of your fellow coworkers. Red and bird Man oddly becoming the ones you were closest to.

However the job you were given when you came here was being put to use. You haven't seen Bucky since you got here. I knock came you your door. "What?" You asked. "Can I come in?" It was Red. You sighed and opened the door. She smiled at you and you returned a slight one.

She sat on your bed and gazed at the pictures on your bed. She went to grab one but you quickly slapped her hand away." She glared at you. "I came here to help bucky, yet I haven't done much of that." You said glaring back at her. "We still need information." She said. "You're not getting and information!" You exclaimed. You felt your arm tighten. Red heard the mechanical sound it made, and looked at you oddly. Only one other person made that noise. It was the metal armed solider upstairs.

You rolled your eyes and discarded your jacket. Her eyes grew wide with shock. "Is this enough information?" You asked. "How'd you get it?" She asked. You closed eyes and exhaled deeply. "You're gonna be here a while." You said. "Fine with me."

You just sat there for a minute. "He trained me, you know." Now it was your turn to look at her oddly. "Back before I joined the avengers I was an assassin. Bucky trained me. He taught me everything I know." That for some reason made you trust her more.

"Your turn." She said. "Bucky, and I were in the 107th together. I was a nurse on the front lines. His troop was sent on a separate thing. I had to stay back. Throughout our time together in the 107 we became close. Telling stories of our lives back home and everything in between. I remember I was told that his troop didn't make it and I broke down. That night I took a gun and shot myself.

Obviously it didn't work. I woke up in a hospital bed with him right next to me. He had a metal arm. We were then both trained together to become hydras' next Bonnie and Clyde. We were sent out on missions together, until we started failing them.

We were then sent out on separate missions. If one of us failed a mission, the other was tortured and punished in front of the other." You showed Red your arms and legs. "The first time he went after you two and came back with nothing I got several knives against me. Some deep, some barely broke skin." She traced over the scars.

"I remember when hydra found out that bucky let Steve live. They blamed me. They told me it was my fault. I was a distraction. So they took my arm and gave me this one. So we could match." Red was silent.

I remember when one of us would get tortured. When night came around we would rush to each other's cells. Just holding each other. Constantly apologizing but assuring each other that it wasn't our fault." Tears were running down your cheeks. "Bucky is the only one I've got left. So if you're gonna keep me from him, let me leave. If you want me to help him let me." You said.

"Come on." Red said pulling you up. You were confused until you were met with his door. You didn't even knock. You opened it and was met with his sleeping form. You climbed in and clung to him.  He wrapped his arms around you and held you tight. Not a word was spoken. You both know what you both wanted to say.

'i've missed you.'

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