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"what about this one?" I asked Nat, holding up a floor length red dress. "I think it's cute. You're gonna trip on it all night, but I think it's cute." I just rolled my eyes and changed. "What about this one?" "No." "How come?" "Because I know why picked it." "And why's that?" "Because it's the same color as Bucky's eyes."

She smirked as I blushed deeply. "But it does look good. It flatters your figure." She said having me spin around. "I think I'm gonna get it." I said going to change.

After we payed and left we drove back to the compound. While Nat drove my mind kept drifting. "Has anyone asked you yet?" She asked turing a corner. "No. Like I keep telling you Nat. No one wants to go to prom with Hawkeye's oldest daughter." I said shrugging.

"What about Peter?" "He's going with M.J." "Ned?" "Going with Betty." "Flash?" "Bold of you to assume I'd go to prom with him." We both laughed a little.

I was silent for a minute before I said my thoughts out loud. "You think he'd at least escort me in?" "Who?" "Bucky." "I'm sure he'd love to. You just have to ask and maybe even tell him about this little crush." She said as we parked. I blushed a little. "Please, Nat, don't get my hopes up." I said walking into the compound.

"Well who knows?" "I do. I'm only seventeen and I'm in high school. Not to mention the eighty nine year age gap." I said hopping on the elevator with her. "But looks wise it only looks like an eight year gap. He still looks twenty five."

"Who still looks twenty five?" Tony asked from in front of the elevator. The whole team was gathered around like they were waiting patiently for us to get back. "Not you." Nat said handing Tony back his card. "Receipt?" He asked holding out his hand. I grabbed it out if my pocket and handed it to him. He looked at it and shrugged.

"Well let's see what all that money was worth." He said pushing me toward the bathroom. When I came back out everyone's jaws dropped. "You look great, doll." I blushed at Bucky's words. "Blue really is your color." Wanda said. I smiled and thanked her. Everyone gave their compliments and joked about how I wasn't gonna be allowed to leave.

"Dad?" I asked looking at him. "You look beautiful. Let me get a picture so I can send it to your mom." I smiled and placed a hand on my waist.

"Your date is very lucky." Vision said from the kitchen. "Oh, she doesn't have a date." Peter said from the couch. I gave him a warning look, which he ignored. "What do you mean she doesn't have a date? Sam asked. "Everyone was too scared to ask. If my dad was Hawkeye and I was one of the youngest avengers I wouldn't want to ask either." I shrugged agreeing with him.

"So you're going by yourself?" Wanda asked. "Yeah. But it's fine." I said. Nat then jabbed my in the side and did a terrible fake cough with a mumbled "ask him." In between. I shook my head violently. There's no way Bucky would want to escort me to prom. Why would he?

Peters' and mine phone both dinged at the same time and I looked at his. We read the message and frowned. "Are you serious?" He exclaimed. "What the fuck?" I asked throwing my hands up. "Language!" Steve and my dad said at the same time. "What happened? Bruce asked. "They cancelled prom!" We both yelled.

"What do you mean they cancelled prom?" Tony asked. "The venue cancelled last minute because they "forgot" they booked a wedding the same night they booked our prom." Peter explained. I stood behind the couch with my arms crossed.

"I have my dress, he has his suite." "And a date." "Shut up, Parker!" I said hitting him in the back of the head. "Now what?" I asked him. "You kids forget I own a club uptown." Tony said rolling his eyes. "Well can we use it for prom? For both grades?" I asked. "Well obviously! I'll have pepper get the rosters from your secretary so we can have an official prom and all that." He said

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