his girl

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Here recently Bucky had done something that no one expected. He found a girlfriend. While we were all happy for him, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous and upset.

Bucky and I are close. We've been close he was still in Hydra. While I had the unlucky job of administering the mind wipes, there would be times where it was just us in the lab during it, and during that time we learned a lot about each other. The memories that still somewhat remained were what he shared. I told him some personal stuff and some basic everyday stuff. I remember the first time I had to wipe his memory after we had gotten close I felt so bad.

"It's alright, Doll." He told me Everytime. "I don't want you to forget." I said with a cracking voice. His metal hand would take mine and always gave me the biggest smile. "Even if I wanted to, I'll never forget you." And that was true. Everytime it happened he looked at me with clear recognition and he'd remember some things I'd told him. The fact that he remembered some things pained me because it felt like I was making him feel this excruciating pain for no reason.

After Steve and Sam and Natasha brought him in and helped him through everything he was getting better. The only thing that stuck were the nightmares of what he had done in the past. They got frequent to the point where they moved me to his floor so that I could help whenever.

But ever since this new girl showed up into the picture I hadn't seen much of him. They either stayed in his room or they went to her place. One day I was lounging around our floor when I heard the elevator ding. I went to get up and greet Bucky only to hear her giggles fill the room. I frowned and went back to watching whatever was in the TV.

She joined us for dinner with everyone else. They seemed to take a liking to her. Asking questions and getting to know her. I just stayed silent and ate. When I finished I hurried up back to my room. When I got there I felt tears escape my eyes. I don't know why this was bothering me so much. Maybe it was because I felt that I belonged with him. We'd been through so much together and I was always the one there to help him.

After missions from hydra he'd come find me in the lab and simply hug me tightly. I would try soothing him and letting him know that it's okay. Sometimes if they went really bad he'd beg me to wipe him. "I can't do that." I always said. "Please, y/n, I don't want to remember." He would say. "Bucky, I can't. Please don't make me do that to you." "I'd rather feel the pain of being wiped than live with this for the rest of my life."

A knock came to my door. It opened and there was Bucky. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. He looked at me but didn't say anything. I held my arms our and he pulled me into a hug. I hid my face in his chest as he held me tight. He played with the ends of my hair like he used to when I was stressed. I smiled wide at the simple action. He made me look at him and smiled. God, that smile ends me.

"Are you really okay now?" He asked. "Yeah, in good." I said placing my hand in his chest. "Good." He said with a light kiss to the forehead. Before I could do anything I heard her calling from outside. "She's still here?" I asked trying not to sound rude but I'm sure it came out that way. "She's staying the night." He said. "Oh!" I said surprised. He nodded and removed himself from me before going to her. I sighed and sulked in self pity until I finally fell asleep.

Mate in the night I heard frantic knocking on my door. I shot up and answered only to see her. "What is it?" I asked. "It's Bucky. I think he's having a nightmare." She said freaking out. My eyes went wide and I immediately rushed to his room. I opened the door and I could see him struggling in his sleep. I climbed in next to him and tried getting him up. "Bucky, hey, it's y/n." I tried gently shaking him and placing my hand on his face. Eventually he woke up breathing heavily. He looked up to me and took my hand in his. "You're okay. You're safe, you're home." I said trying to get him to calm down.

He looked around like he had lost something. "What is it Buck?" I asked. "Where's (girls name) my heart broke a little bit. "She's right there. She's here." I said motioning for her to come over. She got into arms length and was immediately pulled to him. I heard myself gasp and excused myself back to my room. He used to hold me like that. After a nightmare he was happy to see my face. But now he wants to see hers. In my quick fit of rage I threw a glass scup at the wall and watched it bust into shards. My quiet cries were now sobs. He really didn't want me, he wanted her, and I couldn't accept it.

For the next few days I did my best to avoid Bucky. I knew I was just hurting myself more but I knew if I saw him he was gonna ask what was up and I would cave and it wouldn't end well. One day at breakfast I wasn't feeling like myself. Everyone just kinda blew it off but Wanda. She sneakily found her way into my head. I was gonna stop her but I didn't see a point. When she finally had enough of my brain, she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry." She mouthed at me. I shrugged and went off to my room.

Halfway there I heard Bucky calling out for me. I started walking faster until he had me pinned against my door. "What's wrong?" He asked softly. "N-nothing." I said. "Somethings bothering you. If Wanda read your mind and started crying I know something's up. What is it?" "It doesn't matter." "To me it does" "well it shouldn't" "oh, for fucks sake y/n, what's got you so worked up to the point you won't talk to me anymore?" "I'm jealous of (girls name) okay! That's what's bothering me."

"Why are you jealous?" He asked. "Because she's got you all to herself! She can hug and kiss you and cuddle you whenever she wants! And that kills me! It kills me to think  of you with another woman. After all we've been through and how close we are, I just figured you'd be mine." I said. "You are mine. You're my girl" He said. "But I'm not yours like she is. I'm your girl, but she's your best girl. I want to be your best girl. I want to be the one who makes you smile. I want to be the one you come to when you're not feeling fine. I want to be the first one you see after recovering for a nightmare. I want to be able to be in your hold whenever I want to be. I love you and it pains me that you don't love me back."

My eyes were rivers at this point. Bucky wiped as many tears away as he could. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked. "Because I see how she looks at you and how you look at her. You're meant for each other. I'm just off to the sidelines admiring from afar. I don't want to ruin your relationship, but I needed to tell you. Please, even if it's just for a minute, just let me be her." I said hiding my face in his chest again. His arms were secure around me. He kissed the top of my head and swayed us from side to side. Even though I was extremely upset I felt happy in his hold. I didn't want to let go but I knew I'd have to.

"She broke up with me, you know?" I looked up at him surprised. "Why?" I asked. "She knows our history and knows how close we are. In her own words she felt like she was third wheeling her own relationship." He said. I felt even worse now. My main go was to not mess up their relationship, yet I still did.

"And I don't know about you, but I'm yours whenever you want me." He said in my ear. I shivered a little and looked at him. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes, doll. I'm sure. I've kept you waiting long enough." He said looking into my eyes. I stood up on my tip toes and lightly connected our lips. He gently held my face in his hand and deepened the kiss. We finally pulled away for air. "Well, that's been several years in the making." I joked lightly.

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