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It was a quiet night in New York. No aliens were trying to invade, no artificial intelligence was trying to overthrow the planet, it was just me, my book, and dinner.

As I kept reading I heard frantic knocking coming from down the hall. I ignored it, figuring it was the couple that was having marital problems, and continued reading. That was until I heard a familiar voice. "Y/n? Y/n?" The voice and the bangs got closer.

I poked my head out the door for my speculations to be true. It was Bucky, and he looked confused. "Bucky?" I called out. His head whipped in my direction and his confused blue orbs transformed to relieved ones.

I lightly grabbed his hand and brought him into my apartment. As soon as we were in he locked the door and closed all the curtains. I placed a hand on his back. He grabbed my hand and spun me around with my arm behind my back. "Hey, it's me, Bucky, it's y/n." He let me go and he stared at me trying to figure out if I was telling the truth.

I gently and slowly put my hands on either side of his face. "You know me. You were looking for me not five minutes ago. I'm y/n y/l/n, I'm your best friend. You're name is James Buchanan Barnes. You're from Brooklyn, you're favorite color is green. You're home. Hydra has been disbanded and all of the facilities have been destroyed. They can't get to you anymore."

Bucky looked at me, trying to put all of the pieces in place. He seemed to fully recognize me as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. Holding onto me so tight it felt like I couldn't breathe. "Y/n" he said barely above a whisper. "Yeah, it's me, Buck." I said running my hands through his hair.

"You're okay. You're safe. You're here." He kept murmuring to himself as if to try to remind himself that I was actually here. "I'm here, James. I'm here." I said lightly. After a while I attempted to get up to clean up the kitchen from dinner, only for Bucky to hold onto me tighter. "I'll be right back." I said attempting to coax him into letting me up.

He let me go but was immediately following me into the kitchen. As I moved the dinner into some containers he wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head in my neck. I smiled and slightly blushed at this. I liked Bucky, but of course no one knew. Well, the one girl that works with Bucky, that can read minds, knows.

After I finished cleaning up Bucky gave me a proper hug. I wrapped my arms around him as did he. I pulled away slightly and actually looked at him. His face was covered in blood and dirt as was his hair. His metal arm had several scratches and dents that Mr. Stark would either fix himself or have someone fix it. His clothes were also a mess.

"You should take a bath." I said pulling him into the bathroom. I ran the water and made sure it was warm enough. I then went to leave, only for him to catch my arm and give me the most pleading look I've ever seen. "Get settled, then I'll come back in." I said. He nodded and I stepped out the door.

A few minutes later I poked my head in. "You good?" I asked. "Yeah" he said barely audible. I came in and sat on the edge of the tub by his head. I grabbed some shampoo he leaves over here and started cleaning his hair. I rinsed the shampoo out and put some conditioner in it. I let it sit for a minute while I went to grab some clothes he also leaves here for when he comes back from missions. He usually comes over either as soon as he gets back or the day after. I worry about him when he's away. The director keeps everything under wraps so I never know where he is or when he's getting back.

I came back in and washed the conditioner out of his hair. "You got it from here?" I asked standing up. He nodded and I left for him to change. I looked at the time and didn't realize just how late it was. Bucky then came out the bathroom and pulled me into bed with him. I laid my head on his chest and he kept an arm secured around me. "Get some sleep." I said lightly kissing his cheek.

The next morning I woke up to Bucky gone. I got up and saw him sitting on the couch staring off into space. I sat beside him and he attention moved to me. "I'm sorry." Was the first thing he said. "It's fine. Do you remember anything from yesterday?" I asked. All I remember is the mission. We were at a hydra base. One of the last ones. Everything about it just made me remember and have flashbacks. The next thing I know I'm at your apartment because I didn't know if you were okay or not. I remember everything after that kinda. I'm sorry if I scared you."

I just hugged him. "You scared me a little, but I was more scared because you were scared. You looked like you didn't know where or who you were." I said. "I honestly didn't. But I knew that you were here so I knew I needed to be here to be with you. The last time hydra captured me for that short period they tried turning me back into the winter soldier. They threatened to hurt you if I didn't comply."

I sighed and hugged him tighter. "I'd never let them hurt you, doll." He said resting his chin on my head. "I know you wouldn't, Buck." I said. We sat in comfortable silence for a minute.

"Can I ask you something?" He said looking at me. "Of course." I said giving him my undivided attention. "Wanda said you liked me. Is that true?" My face went red and I looked away. "Maybe." I said barely above a whisper. He smiled at me with that big adorable smile that could get me to do anything. "Well, would you let me take you out this weekend?" He asked. "I'd love that." I said hiding my face in his neck.

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