I just need you

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Today wasn't my day. I'm not sure what it was, but I wasn't on my game like I usually was. I woke up later than I usually did which made me late to training. I walked into the gym and saw Nat and Steve talking while Sam and Bucky lifted weights with Wanda. "So you finally decided to join?" She asked. "I overslept." I said stepping into the ring.

We threw some punches and kicks, but the whole time my limbs felt heavy, and I couldn't block any of her hits. "You know what we're through. I'm not gonna we aste my time if you're not gonna put in one hundred and ten percent." She said stepping out if the ring. "No, Nat, I'm sorry! I haven't been feeling the best this morning." I said honestly.

"If you weren't feeling good then how come you came to train" "because I figured I'd be fine to train." "Well obviously not. Let me know when you're willing to put in some effort." She said walking out of the gym. I sighed and looked over to the guys and Wanda. They looked at me with pitiful looks.

I too left the gym and went down to artillery. Maybe some target practice would help. I got my eye protection and ear muffs on and picked up a pistol. Every single shot missed. I felt defeated because that's what I was skilled in was my use of artillery. Hand me any gun and I can use it, apparently not today though.

It seemed as though every simple task I wanted to do I couldn't. I cut my finger on a knife doing dishes, I couldn't find the tools Tony needed in the lab when they were right in front of me, I couldn't do anything.

I ultimately gave up and decided to stay in my room for the rest of the day. Before I went to my room I went to Bucky's to see if he was here. I opened his door to see his room in it's usually neat state.

I sighed and  I grabbed one of hoodies and went to my room. I curled up in my bed and looked through all of our photos. I don't know what it was but if I was having a bad day he always made it better. If he was here or not.

Now to think of I haven't seen him since this morning. He's probably out on another date with Wanda. They've been pretty close since she joined the team. I'm not sure if I'm being jealous or if I'm just mad she's hanging out around him.

About a half hour later I hear a knock on my door. "If you're not Bucky go away." I said rather harshly. "Well good thing my name is Bucky." He said poking his head in. I smiled and immediately got up and hugged him tight. He hugged back and got the clue that I didn't want to let go. That's the thing about us. We know what each other's hugs mean.

I hid my face in his chest and just stood there. He kept his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my head. "Where have you been?" I mumbled into his jacket. "Well, after this morning I figured it was one of those days so I went and got you some stuff. Nothing major, just some snacks and you said you were running out of your perfume so I got you some more, and I got you some lotion that smells like my cologne. Oh, and some ice cream."

I don't know why but I started tearing at the kind gesture. "Thank you." I said lightly. "Of course, Doll. It's the least I could do." He said pulling me into another tight hug.

I let go from the hug and pulled him to my bed. He smiled and got in and pulled on top of him. I moved around until I was comfortable with my arms around his waist and my head on his chest. "How's today been." He asked playing with my hair. "Not good. Nat got mad at me during training and I didn't make a single shot in artillery and tony and Bruce got mad at me because apparently I'm "too dumb to help them." All because I couldn't see the tools they were asking for. And I ended up getting cut by a knife. I'm not myself right now and I don't know why." I fussed with glassy eyes.

Bucky moved both of us into a sitting position with me in his lap and his hands on my waist. "Look at me." He said lifting my chin up. "It's okay. We all have off days. It's not the end of the world. We had a really stressful mission last week and sometimes it takes awhile to relax from it." He said lightly. "But it's been a week. Nat and Steve recovered from it like nothing!" I fussed. "Nat and Steve have been doing this longer than you have. They've also seen way worse than you have." He said.

I stayed silent for a minute. "What are thinking about?" He asked. "If I ask you this can you promise not to get mad?" I asked. "I promise." I let out an exhale and looked him in his bright blue eyes. "Are you and Wanda together?" I asked. He looked at me perplexed. "Doll, no, why would you think that?" He asked. "Well, you two have gotten pretty close and I wouldn't blame you if you did. I mean she's pretty and she powers and she has that cute accent. She's everything I'm not."

The look in Bucky's eyes made my heart hurt more. He took my hands in his and held my cheek with his other hands. "Wanda and I are close because we come from the same past. Sometimes you need to to talk to someone who understands your pain. She lost everything so she needs a source she can go to and vent, and that source is me because she knows I understand her pain and she understands mine. She might have powers and an accent but I wouldn't choose her over you any day. I'm yours, doll. I've always been yours. You know that." He let got of my cheek and held my other hand in his.

"I'm sorry I thought that." Said barely above a whisper. "You don't have to feel sorry. It's understandable, but I would never do that to you and I doubt she would either." I scooted closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. He followed suit and left gentle kisses of reassurance on my neck.

Soon enough it was time for dinner. I wasn't hungry but Bucky made me go down and eat. "Everyone was already down there. They looked at us and everyone just shot me glares. I sighed and held onto Bucky's arm. He made a plate and had some extra of everything just so I could eat something. When we sat down I sat down next to him only for him to pull me into his lap and wrap a secure arm around me.

Everyone was taking about anything and everything, but when I tried to add in I either got talked over, a snide remark, or just ignored. I sighed and got up to go back to my room. "I'll be up in a minute." Bucky said holding my hand for a minute. I smiled and nodded. I lightly kissed his temple and went upstairs.

Bucky's p.o.v
After y/n left the room was quiet. That is until Tony spoke up. "Why do you deal with her?" He asked. "excuse me?" I asked rather harshly. "Let's be honest, James, out of all of us, she isn't the best. Sure she can shoot a gun but she can't fight worth a damn and she's easily distracted." Tony said. "Okay, and?"

"She's been nothing but useless today." Nat said. "First off, she's having a rough day. We all have them, so I don't know why you're being so tough on her. She's trying, okay. Everyday she works her ass off to prove to all of you that she's an important asset to this team.

Sure she might only be able to shoot a gun, but does she ever miss?" I looked around the table. Everyone shook their heads. "Exactly. She has a skill set, all of you are just too stubborn to see it. You hide behind a suit of armor and have the best tech controlling it. Clint had a bow and arrow and gets more recognition than her? So what she can't fight like Natasha a d doesn't have powers like Wanda. You know, it's no wonder she feels alone because none of you assholes ever give her a chance. It feels like I'm the only one who believes in her half the time! You aren't gonna talk my gi down like that! Especially when she's not here to defend herself. Now if you'll excuse me. I'm gonna go take care of her and make sure she's okay since none of you ever will."

When I made it to the stairs she was sitting on the last one. Her face was covered and light sobs were leaving her. "Oh, doll." I picked her up and carried her up the stairs. She hid her face and my neck and I just held her tight.

When we got upstairs I took her to my room and sat her down on my bed. She looked up at me and my heart broke. I've never seen her this upset. "W-why do they h-hate me?" She sobbed out. I pulled her to my chest and let her cry. I didn't really have an answer because not even I knew why they despised her so much.

She soon became calmer and let go of me. I wiped the tears off her face and kissed her lightly. "I love you, you know that right?" I asked her sincerely. She nodded. "I mean it. I love you so much, doll." I said pulling her against me. "I love you too, Bucky." She said. Her voice hoarse from crying.

"You know, we could leave." She looked at me like I was crazy. "Where to?" She asked. "I know this place, it's in Europe. I haven't been in awhile but it's beautiful this time of year. You'd love it." I said. "When can we go?" She asked. "Whenever you want. We can have a little vacation." I said. "Can we leave tonight?" She asked. "If that's when you want to go then yes." I said. She smiled and nodded. "Let's get away for a while."

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