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Bucky's p.o.v

I was pacing up and down the ground floor of the complex. Y/n went on another date with her boyfriend and it should have ended by now. She's always home by ten and it's half past midnight. This isn't like her.

While freaking out my phone started to ring. I immediately answered. "Yeah." I slightly shouted."hey, Bucky?" Y/n's voice rang through the speaker. "Y/n! Do you have any idea what time it is? Where the hell are you?" "I know. I'm sorry. Can you please come pick me up?" She sounded like she was crying or was about to cry. "Of course, where are you?" "I'm at his apartment. I'm already outside." "Outside?! You're outside at twelve thirty at night in New York? Are you dumb?" I was mad, nit really at her, just at the situation I was inferencing.

"I-I said I was sorry. I can't really go back inside." All of the worst thoughts went through my head. "I'll be there in ten and for the love of God, don't move from there." I hung up and drove, hoping she was okay.

When I got to his apartment y/n was curled up trying to keep warm. She heard me pull up and immediately hoped in. "You're kidding right?! I mean, you're two and a half hours late, you're not dressed for the weather, and you outside, alone at peak crime time in New York! What were you-James stop yelling at me! You think I meant to be two hours late?! You think I wanted to be outside in the freezing cold?!" Now she was yelling.

Both of our expressions softened. She wanted to cry and I just wanted to hug her. I placed a gentle hand on her thigh, which she fairly slapped away. The rest of the ride back to the compound was quiet. 

When we got back we silently walked back into the compound. "Hey, y/n?" I called out for her. She turned around and anger immediately came back on face. Her eyes was black and she had cuts all on her face. A bruise was forming on her cheek. I loved toward but she flinched, covering her face with her arms.

"Did he do this to you?" I asked trying to stay calm. She shook her head. "N-no." "Oh, bullshit, y/n!" I exclaimed. "I'm fine, Buck!" "Yeah, because a bruised and cut up face really shows how fine a person is. Now what happened." She stared at me for a minute.

"We got into a disagreement over some stuff." She said looking down. "I think this is a little much for a disagreement, y/n!" "Stop fucking yelling at me! Do you really think this is what I want to hear after the shit night I've had?!" I thought for a minute before I came to a conclusion.

"I don't want you around him anymore." "What?" "You heard what I said. "You aren't in charge of me Bucky!" "Well, technically, I am. Since you became an avenger I've been in charge of you." "That's only on missions." "Still!"

"You know he doesn't love you, right?" "Yes he does!" "Bullshit!" "How would you know?!" "I know because when you love someone you don't treat them like a goddamn punching bag!" "Once again, how would you know? You haven't loved someone in over seventy years!" "Yes I have!" "Who?" "You!"

We were both silent for a minute. "I've loved you since I met you. You weren't scared of me, you wanted to get to know me, you wanted to help me. And you've done that. I've been trying to show it these past few months, but you met him, and you fell for him, and now you're being beat and I can't do anything about it!"

She moved closer to me. When she got into arms length I grabbed her and held her close to my chest. Silent tears escaped both of us. I tried pulling away but she pulled me back to her. "Please don't leave." She said barely audible. "Okay. I won't." I said lightly. I kissed her forehead and pulled her to her room. We both got comfortable and I pulled her in bed.

She nestled herself in my neck. "Will you come with me tomorrow to get the stuff I've left over there and be there when I end it?" "Of course. I'll even beat him up if you need me too." She laughed a little. "I think your appearance will scare him enough."

"Get some sleep, doll." I said kissing her temple. I wrapped my arms around her and played with her hair. Withing a few minutes she was asleep. "No one's gonna hurt you again, doll."

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