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"Agent y/n. Your presence in the training center is needed."

I rolled over and sighed. Training. One of the many things I hated about this whole Avenger's thing. It was hard, excruciating, and left me sore for days after. However there was one plus. And that came in the form of a six foot, blue eyed, brooding super solider.

Bucky was interesting and amazing in so many ways. Not only did he look amazing but he held so many secrets. His mind has been torn apart and put back together several times. He has his good days and his bad. On those days is when I offer a comforting hand. Sometimes he takes it, and other times he rejects all forms of attention.

But on the good days, we're thick as thieves. Practically best friends. I was one of the first ones, besides Steve, to make him smile.

I walked down to the training center only to see Bucky. "Where's everyone else?" I asked pulling my hair back. "Missions and personal matters. It's pretty much only us for a couple days." He said wrapping his hands. "Oh." I said rather surprised.

He went on to the punching bag while I just stood there like an idiot. I could go and do weights or treadmill or something. But no. I stood there, staring at him.

"Are you just gonna stare or are you gonna make use of the thousands of dollars of equipment Tony has that he complains we "never use" he said with a smirk.

I blushed and started stammering. He just smiled and turned back around. I sighed and walked over to the weights. Doin some simple stretches and push-ups. I got to give before I saw his heart in front of my face. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Uhh. Push-ups." I said simply. "What kind of push ups are those?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Well first of all, your forms wrong and you aren't going down enough. He said and I could feel his eyes on me. "Well then, how do I do a proper one then?" He proceeded to get on the ground and show me, but I couldn't see very well. "You know I can't really see when you're right next to me." I said. "Well then let's try this." He said.

Before I could register it he was right under me. I blushed and turned my head. His cool metal hand touched my face and made me look at him. He wore a smirk that I wanted to slap off, but also stare at forever.

"Put you hands here." He said moving arms and placing my hands right by his shoulders. "Your legs should be here." He said kicking my feet wider apart. "You know you're low enough when you touch my lips." Said slyly. I was speechless. "I'm sorry..What?" I asked. I could feel my face heating up. "You'll know you're low enough when you touch my lips." I let out a shake sigh and bent my elbows.

"Not low enough." He said barely above a whisper. I bit my lip and bent my elbows again. "I didn't feel anything, doll." I shit my eyes tight and took a deep breath. I bent my elbows again, this time enough. It was a quick peck, but I immediately wanted more. "See, that wasn't so hard" he said smirking. I just did another another one. Another quick peck that sent lips tingling.

After a few the pecks turned into actual kisses. On this one I bent my elbows and he caught my waist and kissed me deeply. I immediately followed and let myself fall into his chest. He grabbed my waist and sat up which led me to sit up as well. I straddled his lap and and leaned in more. He bit my lip which made me let out a small moan. He smiled and pulled away.

"I think that was a pretty good lesson." He sad smirking and moving me off of him. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bright and early." He walked out of the training room, leaving me stunned and confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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