40's Bucky imagine

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"Steve!" I called out through downtown Brooklyn. My brother likes to do this thing where he disappears off to enlist in the army. Bucky and I have been trying to convince him that it's not possible for him.

"There are men laying down their lives. What good would I would be doing if I didn't try." That was always his response. "You forget you have several health problems and you can't run more than a block before you're dying of an asthma attack!" I always argued. He would shrug me off, but Bucky always backed me up.

Bucky's been mine and Steve's best friends since grade school. We always ended up having the same classes which was fun. This past year I've developed the biggest crush on him. Any time he's around I'm blushing as red as a fire engine. I think he knows, but all he does is smile and wrap an arm around my waist.

"Did he run off again?" I heard the all too familiar voice of my best friend. I placed my hand on my hip and nodded. "Where do you think he's from now?" He asked offering me his arm. "Well he's done all of the neighboring states." I said. "I bet you a kiss on the cheek he's going with Wyoming." He said smirking. I just rolled my eyes. "I say Colorado."

When we arrive at the enlistment center I see my brother sulking on a nearby bench. "Turned down again?" Bucky asks. "You don't have to act surprised, you know." Steve says not making eye contact. Bucky takes his paper out of his hand and examines it. "Oh, you're from Wyoming now?" He says giving me a small smirk. "You know lying on your enlistment forms illegal, Steve." I said lightly pecking Bucky's cheek, to which his cheeks erupted in a light pink hue. Steve showed a small smile but his eyes were glaring daggers at his best friend.

"Still can't find the key to your place?" Bucky asked us. "I have her the spare." He argued. "For the last time, no you didn't!" I exclaimed. "Hey, it's okay. I'll have Pops make a couple spares and you guys can stay with me another night." He said walking in the direction of his house.

Bucky's family had money, unlike Steve and I. Most of Steve's clothes came from Bucky and his younger sister gave me her old clothes. They were nice, but I couldn't help feel bad.

When we got to Bucky's place I immediately headed for the shower. Halfway through I heard the door open. "Here's some clothes, doll." He said shutting the door. I mentally hit myself for loving the nickname. He used it for every girl he came across, but it felt special when he said it to me. I dried my hair before I changed and walked into Bucky's room. He had on a simple shirt and comfortable pants. "I didn't look." He said pulling back the blankets on his bed. "Sure you didn't." I said playfully.

"Thank you again for letting us stay here." I said sitting on his bed. "Of course. I wouldn't let my best friends sleep on park benches. You're practically my family. My home is yours." He said. "And you know I can sleep on the floor or a chair, right." I said.

"Nonsense, a lady, especially you, deserves her beauty sleep." He said. "And what's that supposed to mean?" "Well beauty sleep makes you beautiful right? Well, with how you look I'd say it's working, and I'd hate to mess it up by having you sleeping somewhere other than a bed." He said smiling. He tucked me in and placed a soft kiss to my forehead. "Get some sleep, doll." He said turning the light off.

I laid there for awhile wrapped in Bucky's sheets. The smell of him surrounded me and I don't know how but I felt his warmth around me as well. While that would lul me to sleep, it wasn't. I sighed one of his pillows to my chest. A while later I heard the knob turn and there stood a half asleep Bucky. 

"Bucky, what are you doing still up?" I asked barely above a whisper. It was late and Steve was in the living room which was right outside his room. "I wasn't expecting you to be up either, doll." He replied slightly louder.

I sighed and sat up. He quietly closed the door. "A storms about to roll in and I know how much you hate them." He said sitting next to me on the bed. My heart fluttered at the fact he thought of me.

"That and I was wondering if you wanted some company." He said. I nodded and wrapped my hands around his arms. He smiled and lightly kissed the top of my head. Sadly it was just another platonic cuddle. Normally I wouldn't think anything if it but with my growing crush and him leaving for the army in a month, I knew I needed to act fast.

Soon enough a loud crack filled the room. I squealed and held on tighter to Bucky's arm. "It's okay, doll. I'm here with you." He said. I sighed and looked at him. "What is it?" He asked cocking his head to the side. I soon became a nervous blushing mess. "I-well-I um..." He just smiled at me while I struggled to get the words out. He finally caught on and held his arms out which I immediately fell into. He held me by my waist as I Fell onto his chest. Our legs were tangled together.

"You think Steve would be mad?" He asked out of nowhere. "I think he'd be more relieved honestly." I said. "What do you mean by that?" Before I could say anything another clap of thunder rang through the sky. My grip on his arms got tighter as he pulled me impossibly closer. "Well, I mean, he wouldn't have to worry about some random guy treating me right, when he knows his best friend will." I said.

"Doll, you know I love you, but right now isn't the best time for us." He said resting his chin on my shoulder. I turned so I could face him. "James, please. You still have another month and-" my throat started to close up. "What if you don't come back." I said in a shaky whisper. He looked at me and kissed me lightly. "I'll come back to you." "But what if you can't? One month from now you'll be in England with the rest of them and what about all those nurses and-" before I could finish he cut me off with a more passionate kiss.

"When I get to Europe I'm gonna tell everyone about my best girl back home and how amazing she is. And how stubborn her brother is." I laughed a little at that. "There's my favorite smile." He said placing his hand on my cheek. "You mean the world to me, Y/n Rogers." He said barely above a whisper. "You mean the world to me, James Barnes." I replied.

He kissed me again and I snuggled into his chest. "Get some sleep doll, we're gonna have to get up early if you don't want Steve to find us." He said smirking. I just laughed rested my head on his chest.

A month had passed. Today was the day Bucky would be sent off to Europe. We had spent all day together and even went to the Stark Expo together. It was followed by a night of dancing and one last kiss. "You're gonna tell them about me, right?" I asked holding his hands in mine. "To the point where they're sick of hearing about you." He said. I smiled and tried to keep the tears from falling. "I love you." I said hugging him tight. "I love you too, doll." He said. He kissed me one more time and looked over at Steve. "Don't do anything stupid until I get back." He said. "How can I. You're taking all the stupid with you."

They had their moment before he gave a salute and walked off. "So long, soldier!" I called out. "So long, doll."

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